Roon does not work on W2016 S computer with no graphic card


Wanted to check out Roon to play my music. Unfortunatelly can’t event start it on my Windows 2016 Server based computer that has no graphic card of any kind. I normally use my audio PC thru remote desktop and never had any issues with many other music playback apps. Anyone used roon on that kind of setup ???

Did you install roon or Roon Server? You need server.

To bypass graphic card issue installed core on my Synology NAS and Remote on my Android phone. Than installed Bridge on my Windows2016Server AudioPC and it doesn’t work at all. Mean that Bridge starts but I can’t see it in Remote app. Did the same on my Wife Windows10 laptop and it works just fine

Any help ???

This thread might offer a few clues as to possible solutions. It would seem that the basic Winserver 2016 cannot run Roon Bridge (i.e. the Endpoint component) but needs some additional support components.


Correct. Run 2.20 and above and select “Y” to streamer support to gain Roon-Bridge
support. You also run AO - wasapi to add wasapi and a couple control panel support too.

Hi @Jaroslaw_Kupiec,

I just wanted to check in and see if you’ve had the chance to check out Geoff’s suggestion above:

Windows Server can require some additional setup to work properly, so I definitely recommend checking out the discussion there! If you’re still having issues please let us know and we can take a closer look.


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