Hi there. I have used roon with no issues for several months with the following setup:
Roon core (Windows 10 desktop) --> Asus router --> SOtm 200 ultra --> LKS MH-D004 DAC.
I also own a Sonore ultraRendu, and when I substitute it for the SOtm it works perfectly as well.
Today I purchased a Singxer SU-1 and inserted it after the 200 ultra. When I did that roon no longer saw the 200 ultra as connected over the network. roon also does not see the Singxer SU-1.
I’ve see on the forums that a number of people have gotten the SU-1 to work with both the Sonore and SOtM endpoints, but I can’t figure out how to get roon to see the devices.
I do have the latest USB driver for the Singxer (although I don’t see how this matters because the Singxer is not connected directly to my roon core) and the latest firmware installed.
Any help is much appreciated!