ROON don't work

Since yesterday, after several months of working well, Roon does not start on my Windows 10 PC or my Android. Rebooted PC & Android… And nothing works. He keeps thinking about Roon’s logo but it doesn’t start. I haven’t changed anything, I haven’t done anything different from what I’ve been using until yesterday. It has nothing to do with how it has ever happened to me that I didn’t connect with Quobuz.What can I do or should I do? Thank you

Was there a windows 10 update to the PC that occurred since the last time it worked?

Hi Mike
I don’t know.
The updates are automated.
Im lost here

Hey @Jesus_Gonzalez,

Sorry to hear about your issues!

Lets next review your firewall settings on the PC running Roon Server. Can you confirm you have following all listed as exceptions with your windows firewall:





Beyond your system firewall on the PC, do you have any additional third-party security software installed? Like Norton, AVG, etc. If so, you may need to review a similar set of exceptions to that software as well, and make sure Roon has proper access.

Another easy way to test if your PC firewall is interfering with Roons connection is to temporarily disable it, and see if you’re able to connect Roon afterwards.

We’ll be on standby for your reply! :+1:

Hi Benjamin,
thanks for your support

I disabled the firewall, both on public and private networks, then restarted the PC…and Roon still doesn’t work.
Should I reinstall again?

Try restarting your network then restart the PC once the internet connection is good

Hi Benjamin,
thanks for your support

But…it try it…and don’t works.
I still don’t have roon.
The logo just keeps thinking…and nothing else.


Hi @Jesus_Gonzalez,

It appears that your Roon Server and remotes are running on different local subnets within your network. As a next step, I would access your router settings, review the IPs within your local network, and reset your IPs to make sure they’re all on the same subnet (you’ll be able to see this when all devices have the same 7 numbers in their IP scheme, like 192.168.1.)

I still don’t have Roon.
Where is the Roon support team?
Should I feel mistreated by the service they provide… sorry, what don’t they provide?
I’m starting to freak out.
Nobody answers, nobody helps…

Did you try restarting the network as I suggested , it often is the cause, a missed connection to the Roon "cloud’

Benjamin noted that he found issues with multiple subnets in your network:

And suggested you correct that, has that been done?

1 Like

I log into the router, go to the WLan device List, and I see four devices in “IPv4 Address” , and each of them is identified by four blocks of numbers:
with the xxx and zzz blocks being identical on all devices.
Do I understand that they are all on the same subnet?
If that is correct…what else could I do?
Thanks for your help

And I usually never log into the router.
Roon had been working fine for months, and then suddenly it stopped working. And I didn’t touch anything on the router or any other settings.

Restart everything…the router, the pc, the Rose… disconnect from the electricity several minutes.

Actually, it would need to be xxx.zzz.yyy.130, etc. The “1” is part of the subnet definition.

Yes, is correct. All my devices are in the same subnet, like you explain.

Does that include all the remotes that try to connect to the server? I double ask because in Benjamin’s post he said …

And, because, many times Router setup a different network for Wifi devices vs wired devices.


Hi @Jesus_Gonzalez,

Sorry to hear your issues persist. To confirm, you’re still not able to connect to your Roon Server from any remote device?

It would be helpful to review a set of logs from your Roon Server device. If you could, please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

As a side test, what happens if you attempt to open Roon in admin mode. Steps below:

Right Click your Roon app → Properties → Compatibility → select ‘Run this program as an administrator’

Let me know if your issue remains. :pray:

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