Roon downconverting bitrate on DP-X1


I’m renting a house while mine is being remodeled, and didn’t want to drag my hi-fi system with me, so my temporary system consists of:

2016 MBP as Roon Core
Onkyo DP-X1 with Chord Hugo connected via micro-USB, and Oppo PM-1. Onkyo is running Roon Remote.

When I play a 24-bit file through Roon Remote, Roon is downcoverting the bitrate to 16-bit. This is true with every 24-bit file. Those same files stored locally on the DP-X1 and played through the embedded music player play at the correct bitrate. Both the DP-X1 and the Hugo can certainly handle 24-bit files.

Is it possible to get my temporary system to play properly using Roon? If so, can you walk me through the proper settings? Thanks.


The roon client only plays through the android standard audio so 16 bit only.

Well that blows. Thanks.

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