I’m renting a house while mine is being remodeled, and didn’t want to drag my hi-fi system with me, so my temporary system consists of:
2016 MBP as Roon Core
Onkyo DP-X1 with Chord Hugo connected via micro-USB, and Oppo PM-1. Onkyo is running Roon Remote.
When I play a 24-bit file through Roon Remote, Roon is downcoverting the bitrate to 16-bit. This is true with every 24-bit file. Those same files stored locally on the DP-X1 and played through the embedded music player play at the correct bitrate. Both the DP-X1 and the Hugo can certainly handle 24-bit files.
Is it possible to get my temporary system to play properly using Roon? If so, can you walk me through the proper settings? Thanks.