I have three outdoor Roon endpoints which use rpi4s as Roon Bridges through DietPi. Last night, they all worked fine. Today, all three endpoints disappeared from Roon. They appear in the About section of Settings, but no longer appear under Audio. I've rebooted RoonServer multiple times, and I even uninstalled RoonBridge on one of the rpi4s to test and when that didn't work, I flashed a new version of DietPi and Roon Bridge on a different microSD card.
Describe your network setup
RoonServer runs on WS2019 on a CAPS20 server with an i9-10900K processor. I use an Orbi network with six satellites in our home. Nine other Roon endpoints in our home are working properly.
I’m afraid we’ll need a little more information to take action on this report.
Diagnostics indicate there are eight unique IP addresses associated with DietPis in this RoonServer instance, so we’ll need some more information. What are the names of the Zones with which you’re having trouble?
Diagnostics show sample dropouts during audio playback and repeated network disconnections between endpoints and Remotes.
This mesh network is undoubtedly experiencing regular WIFi interference exposed by Roon’s lossless protocols. However, multicast is possibly also failing to forward properly between Orbi mesh nodes.
Controlling for the former will require you to inspect the relative arrangement of your WiFi access points and networked Zones. The latter we can control without physical readjustment of the network by disabling IGMP proxying and enabling any multicast settings.
Hi @connor . Thanks for your note. The three endpoints in question — which reappeared after a couple of additional router, switches and satellites reboots but still have the dropouts you note — are labeled in Roon as Outdoor 1, 2 and 3.
I have a complicated networking setup with over 90 connected devices in our home. You see I have a good number of Roon endpoints. Roon has been great software for me, and my wife and her staff use it in her office.
I digress.
We have been experiencing house-wide internet dropouts, lately requiring a near daily reboot of the main Orbi router. We have decided to update our Orbi system, to arrive on Sunday. Let me get it in and configured with Netgear’s tech support and then we can further tackle the dropout or disappearing act issues.
With this said, the article below shows and describes my Outdoor 1, 2 and 3 setup in detail, which will answer a lot of questions.
The only difference now is that to get the Ethernet cables out of my wife’s gardens, I now connect the endpoints using WiFi via TP-Link RE205 range expanders, one for each endpoint box. As you might expect, I get fewer dropouts of 16/44 material than of DSD converted to 24/96, which of late plays for about 5 seconds.