Hi @Jan_Koudijs, thanks so much for creating this! I wonder if you can help me solve a problem I’m having with re-installing it?. (I am using it on Windows 10 Pro 64bit and using the Windows 64bit installer.) I initially installed it under a local admin user ID, but I later decided to move my roon core over to a normal (synced with Microsoft) admin user ID. After getting roon core up and running under the new ID, I tried to reinstall Roon Extension Manager. Everything seemed to go fine, and extension manager worked under the new ID. However, I realized that it was still using the %appData% folder under the old user ID.
I tried stopping the service, using the “sc delete roon-extension-manager” command, and deleting relevant folders from appData. (I didn’t uninstall git or node.js.) Reinstalling Extension Manager just put things back in the appData folder under the old user ID. I then tried removing the old user ID and deleting its user folder (i.e., C:\Users\OldUser). When I reinstalled extension manager, it actually re-created the RoonExtension folder in the same path as before (i.e., C:\Users\OldUser\AppData\Roaming\RoonExtensions).
I thought this must have been due to something with Git or Node.js, so I went back through the uninstall instructions, step-by-step to remove Extension Manager, Git, Node.js, and all the related folders. When I reinstalled again, it again put everything under the old path (i.e., C:\Users\OldUser\AppData\Roaming\RoonExtensions). How can I get Roon Extension Manager to install to the correct folder under the new user ID (C:\Users\NewUser\AppData\Roaming\RoonExtensions)?
Hi @Jan_Koudijs,
I confirmed that the “whoami” command is returning the name of the new administrative userID (and that the old user account was deleted). This time when I ran the installer I captured the text it displayed. (Note that “roon” is the userID of the old account that I deleted.)
Downloading node-v6.11.1-x64.msi…
######################################################################## 100.0%
Downloading Git-2.13.3-64-bit.exe…
######################################################################## 100.0%
Configuring service…
Service “roon-extension-manager” installed successfully!
Set parameter “DisplayName” for service “roon-extension-manager”.
Set parameter “AppDirectory” for service “roon-extension-manager”.
Set parameter “AppStdout” for service “roon-extension-manager”.
Set parameter “AppStderr” for service “roon-extension-manager”.
Set parameter “AppEnvironmentExtra” for service “roon-extension-manager”.
Starting service…
roon-extension-manager: START: The operation completed successfully.
Roon Extension Manager installed successfully!
Select Settings->Extensions on your Roon Remote to manage your extensions.
I found the solution! It took some detective work to figure it out, but the solution was actually very simple.
It seems that the installation under the old user left behind a system environment variable (NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX) pointing to the old user directory:
All I had to do was uninstall everything according to your instructions, then go to Control Panel\System and Security\System then Advanced System Settings, then Environment Variables. Under “System Variables,” I highlighted “NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX” then clicked “Delete.” After that, I reinstalled normally, and everything went to the correct location!
It’s quite likely that I caused the problem by not un-installing Git/Node.js under the old user account before re-installing Roon Extension Manager under the new account. However, you might want to add this step to your uninstall instructions just in case.
Thanks again for creating such a great addition to Roon!
This is a weak point in the installer. It doesn’t touch the environment variable in case it already exists, this doesn’t work if you want to install for a different user (as you found out the hard way).
I will update the uninstall instructions, as a workaround, and will improve the installer in a future update.
Hi, i have a general problem with the extension manager.
From time to time… it disappears.
And the only solution i have found is to repeat every time the complete uninstallation procedure, and then re-install it.
Any idea why this happens?
I have had other reports regarding stability issues on Windows. Difficulty is that I cannot test long term stability myself. So if you, or someone else, runs into this issue we have to find out what is causing this. Checking the log file, the state of the service and the settings of the Extension Manager are then the first things to look at…
A recent update of the Roon API broke compatibility with Node.js 6.x. As this version was still used by the Windows installer it required an update to be usable again. The v0.5.2 installer can now be downloaded via the “latest releases” link in the first post of this thread. If you previously installed the Extension Manager with the old installer you can just run the new one, there is no need for an uninstall.
Where do I add extensions that aren’t listed in the extension manager? Danny has just made an extension for Devialet Phantom and I don’t know where to save it so the extension manager recognises it.
after a succesfull install, i received this message yesterday when trying to install the web controller extension. i have today tried to reinstall everything, but that’s there again.
i cannot install/uninstall any extension
The log file stored at %AppData%\RoonExtensions\roon-extension-manager.log might give a hint on what happened. Can you upload it somewhere? Then I will have a look.
i could not find the RoonExtension folder.
in fact, in the uninstall procedure i did not remove it, because it was not there.
then, i’ve found out that it does exist, but in admin account of the PC.
so, basically this is a problem of my PC: after a serious crash some time ago, there have been an account corruption, i had to create new accounts, and move all the stuff. but after that, i don’t know why, it happens that some action in my normal user account are done “as though” i were the admin account.
anyway, it’s a mess, i think i’ll have to make a fresh new OS installation. … next year…
It might be necessary to re-install the Extension Manager. Download the latest Windows Installer (link is in the first post) and run it as administrator. There is no need to uninstall first.