Roon Extension: Power Amp Trigger project

I used the Roon API in conjunction with a small wifi IOT board to have my Power amp turn on when Roon starts playing, and turn off in the evening. Worked out pretty well. I wrote some details up at the code for the extension & the board is at

Thanks for having an API!.



Cool project! Thanks for the write-up!

I’ve been thinking about the need for this for a year or more. Looking forward to trying it out!

This is the coolest ever! Thanks again for this, Simon.

I did a similar project but used Adafruit stuff instead, about the same cost but available locally so I didn’t have to wait for it to show up. Had to modify the libraries some but works a treat.

Also modified the roon extension part of this so that it shuts down the amps after 15m of stopped / paused playback rather than in the evening at a predetermined time.