Roon fails to recognize USB HDD after restart during setup (ref#DAQYTG)

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· The Nucleus boots up and I can connect to it in the Roon app without issue, but I have a question about configuration/storage/attached devices

Describe the issue

I initiated setup, and Roon was scanning my Seagate USB HDD, when it suddenly restarted. Now when I try to "add folder" in Storage, nothing appears in the folder list, neither my network or the attached USB drive

Is the drive formatted NTFS? If so, it’s probably flagged as unsafely removed. To resolve this, you’ll need to connect it to a Windows machine to resolve this.

Ideally, use exFAT when formatting a drive used with a Nucleus.

Thanks! Yes, formatted exFAT. I’m on MacOS, don’t have a Windows machine. The issue is that everything has disappeared from the music storage view - USB storage as well as my network. They were both present before the weird restart. I also can’t connect to any location to do a backup (or find my old backups from my previous server)

Hey @Daniel_Gercke,

Thanks for writing in and sharing your report! It’s good to see you on the community again - sorry its an issue that prompted your recent post though.

Are you able to access the files on the Seagate from a different device, like your Mac? If you haven’t yet, I’d also test out different cables/ports for the drive and Nucleus just to be safe.

We’ll be on standby for your reply! :raised_hands:

Hey Benjamin! Yeah I just opened the drive on my Mac. But as I said it’s not just the attached storage that’s not showing up - Roon no longer shows anything on the network, like my NAS. I’m pretty sure I could access all of it from the “add folder” screen prior to the spontaneous restart. Now it’s blank.

BTW I also tried another working USB drive on the Nucleus, and that failed to appear as well

Hey @Daniel_Gercke,

Thanks for the additional information!

We were able to pull a fresh diagnostic report from the Nucleus, and didn’t see any hints at hardware failure. If you haven’t yet, could you please safely stop Roon Server from running on the Nuclues, then power down the device and leave it unplugged for a few minutes before powering back on?

If you’re still running into issues after this could you share a screenshot of the webUI of the Nucleus? It may be worth reinstalling RoonOS when you’re here.

Here’s more info:

As well as hooking up a monitor to the Nucleus via HDMI, and share a screenshot of what you see there?

Stopped Roon Server, powered down from the web interface, unplugged, and booted back up after 10 minutes. Add folder interface still blank.

Here’s the web interface

I’ve reinstalled the OS and reset Roon Database and Settings.

I get a blank screen when I hook up a monitor via HDMI (monitor says it’s inactive)

Hi @benjamin is there a way to reset the unit to factory settings? Everything was working well and it was scanning my USB HDD nicely before the weird reboot

Hey @Daniel_Gercke,

Thanks for the update and all the steps tested so far - sorry to hear you’re still having issues. :-1:

Reinstalling the OS and resetting the database is exactly that, unfortunately.

This is interesting…was the Nucleus still powered on and connected to your rotuer?

Can you get any device to be recognized by any of the ports on your Nucleus? Be sure to test out using different cables as well, if possible.

Lastly, getting a fresh set of Roon Server logs from your Nucleus after the steps you’ve completed above may be helpful for our developers - can you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

Thank you!

Edit: I forgot to use NUCLEUSONE the first time. Uploading logs.


Yes, the ethernet connection is working fine (though the unit won’t recognize the network nor my NAS)

Hi @benjamin just checking in about this before I pack up the unit for return

Hello @Daniel_Gercke

We’ve re-analyzed your logs and we do some indication of Seagate drive mount failure, unfortunately, the failure state isn’t too verbose so we can’t say for certain what is causing it.
As a first step, can you try to connect it to your make and run through Disk Utility for possible errors/corruptions? I found this article, it may help you with steps on how to find/use Disk utility.

Once you check it with that tool, please try to attach it back and see if it is being detected. If it isn’t, please leave it plugged, so we can collect additional logging while it is connected. Thanks!

Hi @vova thanks for getting back to me. I just want to make sure this is an absolutely necessary use of my time, because the drive works perfectly with both my laptop and the Small Green Computer unit I have been using (and am once again using) to run Roon.

Additionally, the Nucleus is failing to recognize my entire network, including my NAS - not just the USB drive. This leads me to believe that the problem is not with the Seagate drive.

drive works perfectly with both my laptop and the Small Green Computer unit I have been using (and am once again using) to run Roon

Nucleus is running a custom-built Linux-based operating system, that may widely differ from what SGC is using, this can explain the discrepancy in behavior. On the log level, we see that the OS on Nucleus can’t figure out the file system type used by the drive and thus fails to mount.
So the diskutil will highlight whether there are any issues in that area, and can potentially address them.

Additionally, the Nucleus is failing to recognize my entire network, including my NAS - not just the USB drive. This leads me to believe that the problem is not with the Seagate drive.

The team can go deeper into the second complaint you mention. But basing on the logs I see, I don’t think these are related issues.

Thanks for explaining. I’ve run DiskUtility, which found no errors on the disk. After I did that the Nucleus now recognizes the HDD again.

I re-installed the Server Software, reset the Database & Settings, and restored from a recent backup from my SonicTransporter setup.

The Nucleus starts to work, then begins to cycle through “adding music to library,” then restarting again. It has now been doing this for 4 hours. I have shut the Nucleus down via the web interface and removed the HDD, but when I restart it, the Nucleus repeats this process.

If I start the Nucleus up without restoring the backup it works fine and reads the HDD fine, but lacks all my data - years of favorites, audio settings, etc.

The SonicOrbiter works fine on the same backup. Is there a safe way to move my data properly to the Nucleus?

Hello @Daniel_Gercke ,

Based on the symptoms you described, it appears your system is running into out-of-memory issues. With a library of around 150,000 tracks, the Nucleus One may not have enough memory, which contrasts with Sonictransporter which has twice the memory available. This discrepancy is likely why Sonictransporter continues to operate smoothly while you’re encountering problems.

Thanks @noris, that makes sense! This refers to the RAM? I have an ST i5 with 8GB of RAM. Can you let me know the RAM capacity of the Nucleus One (can’t seem to find the spec on the site)? I just want to make sure my next solution can deal with my library size.

Hi @Daniel_Gercke ,

The Nucleus One comes installed with 4GB of RAM, suitable for a library size of up to 100,000 tracks in Roon.

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