Roon hangs on loading screen after password entry (ref#H8OWN8)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· Something else

How can we help?

· None of the above

Other options

· Other

Describe the issue

I start Roon and put my password, then the room icon appears in too long period without start the program

Describe your network setup

Its a Mac mini connected vía cable to internet and i use a Chord Mojo 2 dac

After this screenshot, i tap on “continue” and appears the “start logo” of Roon and nothing happens… Only the logo

Now its appears a message that days that my Roon server its not working.
Anybldy can help me please?

Hi @Andres_Garcia1,
Thanks for writing in to ask us about this issue. I think the best way to start diagnosing this is to take a look at your logs. Can you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

After sending over the logs since this is is login issue can you please take a look at your web browser and make sure you don’t have any content blockers active there. Those can interrupt the login process.

Im not able to fixed the problem. I send you some pictures about the steps ive made…

Hi @Andres_Garcia1,
If you look at the top bar on your Mac do you see the Roon symbol like in the below example?

If you don’t it means that the Roon server itself is not running even though the client is. If you do see it click on it and see what the status of Roon server is.