Roon has added over 400 unrelated (mostly blank) images whilst importing files from NAS

Just purchased a roon nucleus plus. I have upgraded the RAM to 32 and added a 8TB SSD.

My existing Qnap HS 251 has roughly 4K albums.

I followed Roons recommended drag and drop method.

All seemed to be going well but I noticed that once all the albums had been added the system kept adding files

I now have a huge number of albums with incorrect artwork - I.e. wrong composer or artist. In addition many albums now have over 400 images added:

Any help would be appreciated

What do you see if you go to settings: library and hit clean up library?

Thanks for your reply. It’s currently analysing the folders. Looks like it might take a while……

Yes, once it’s done you might find it looks different but still then looking in settings: library and clean library will give you an idea if there is a lot of junk needs cleaning.
Let us know how it goes.

I’ve decided to reformat at start again. It was taking ages to clean up the data and it was an utter mess. I would have had no confidence that my albums had been copied safely.

The server doesn’t copy anything, it just indexes what is there. Images of album covers etc are cached on your remotes but only copies.