Roon Has Gone "Blind"

I have been using the Roon Nucleus to play music stored in an external hard drive (Samsung T5) for over a year. This morning for no apparent reason the Roon program on my iPad completely stopped reading any of the music on the drive. The iPad still recognizes both the Nucleus as well as the T5. However, it keeps showing 0 songs, 0 playlists, etc. I tried reinstalling the software, then tried to reconfigure the core, but it is stuck on a “Choose your Roon Core” window saying “initializing”—it never gets anywhere, never highlights the blue connect icon on the screen. Help!!

UPDATE: It finished “initializing,” now back to showing 0 albums, playlists, songs, etc. When I go into settings, general, it does recognize the nucleus. When I go into storage, it also shows the Samsung T5. But no music is recognized.

I would use a computer to navigate to the drive and verify that you can read the contents of the drive. If not, your drive has failed or been corrupted.

Thanks Mike. Not 100% sure how to do that–I was able to open Roon on my iMac but there were about 100 different things to open. Hopefully Roon customer service will get back to me–are they still monitoring this site?

Yes - all new posts in the Support categories automatically notify the Support team. The Support queue is longer than usual at the moment, but they will be along and respond to your post.

Another update: To be specific, after I log in on the iPad, it goes to “Set Up Your Audio devices,” saying connect any supported device and they’ll automatically appear below. Nothing appears below. When I click “Finish,” it says I have no playlists, please create one. I press Manage audio devices and get to the “regular” Roon settings window. Under “Audio,” nothing appears. Under “About,” it shows both my iPad and the Nucleus as having the latest version (1.8 build 795). Under “Storage,” it shows the T5 and the Nucleus. When I press “Add Folder,” It shows the T5 in a column on the left and all of the individual tracks in a column on the right, so in some fashion the program is “seeing” all the music. But when I go back to the basic windows to try to play something, it shows 0 tracks, 0 playlists, 0 everything.

Problem Solved. I restored the last backup and the music is back. Still don’t know why it disappeared, but all’s well that ends well.

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