Roon is not adding new albums to library (ref#K1N3KU)

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Roon Not Adding New Album To Albums

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To be clear: There are three albums/lengthy pieces of music in one folder. Roon is copying/adding only two of them to my Albums. When I try to add the third one manually, I see the icon briefly flash on the Albums screen, then disappear. A search indicates that the album has not been added. The format is MP4, although that should not matter, as the other two albums that are being added are in the same format.

Do they appear in Settings > Library > Skipped files?

Thank you for the reminder to check this. No, the file does not appear in Settings > Library > Skipped files.

Sorry, but to be clear, do you have each album in its own folder as sub-folders in the “one folder”?

No, I do not have them in separate sub-folders. They are three albums, one long sound file apiece, in one folder. For some reason, two albums get copied to Roon, and one does not.

Roon expects that each album has its own folder, so I suggest you try rearranging the tracks into relevant album folders.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I tried what you recommended, but Roon still just won’t recognize volume/disc 1. In “Albums”, Roon creates two copies of volume/disc 2, one copy of volume/disc 3, but zero copies of volume/disc 1. There must be something in the file metadata screwing this up and confusing Roon. No idea how to fix it, though.

In fact, that was the problem; the metadata in the missing file. I played around with it a bit, figured how to edit it, and now the album is being added properly.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and for prodding my brain to consider the metadata aspect.

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