Roon is unresponsive when attempting to play albums using Qobuz (ref#QS3064)

What best describes your playback issue?

· Music doesn't start when I press "Play"

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *All of my Zones* are affected.

Does the issue affect all file formats?

· The issue affects *multiple/all* file formats.

Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?

· *Only streaming* music is affected.

Please select the streaming service(s) with which you're encountering playback problems.

· Qobuz

Have you tried logging out and back in again to your streaming service in Roon Settings?

· Logging out and back in had no impact, the issue remains

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· I use Sonos One

Describe the issue

Roon has been unresponsive for days, when I am trying to press play. I am using Qobuz. Have tried to log out and in of Qobuz. No difference. I am able to navigate in Roon, like selecting albums etc. But it doesn't start playing the albums no matter what zone I use.

Describe your network setup

I use wifi-network

Hi @johnsenbo,

Thank you for your post.

According to a basic diagnostic report associated with your account, your RoonServer machine might be on a separate subnetwork, VLAN, or an entirely different network than your other Roon networked Zones and Remotes.

Do you have any VPNs on your RoonServer machine? As a test, try hardwiring it to your router via ethernet instead of using WiFi.

Restart RoonServer entirely on your machine to refresh conditions. Additionally, please describe your network setup, including the relative arrangement of your WiFi access points or routers and your Roon-related equipment.

Thank you!

Hi @johnsenbo,

This thread will auto-close shortly without response - are you still encountering the issues you’ve reported above?

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