Roon keeps on unable to find NAS (my library) after power outage

roon has run perfectly for some years .
Christmas eve we had a long black out , power back on for eve party - after few hours roon stopped
i see this is a recurring problem across roon community .
it must be a roon software problem
you can watch roon core be connected watching for new files in real time 8692 tracks imported , then drop out - directory is not available , check the directory is moved or edit this folder if it has been moved , and back to been connected a minute or so latter - by then all queue has been skipped and the music has stopped - in more ways than one

tidal is still available, just can’t see my library on NAS. attached error screen shot
in a few sec , maybe i minute , this will be connected , watching for new files in real time 8692 trackes imported

we have re set router , nuc, switch , nas ,over and over
we have not yet completely wiped roon core from nuc and reloaded
roon core
nuc intel 7 i7 bnh 16 g ram nothing but roon core on this .
router netgear nighthawk A6
switch netgear pro safe jg5524 24 port gigabit
all wired connections - endpoints
wifi - cisco meraki access point
NAS qnap 7th gen intel
UPS cyber power PR1500 ( power was out long enough for ups to run out )
endpoints ps audio Dsj , sonos , chomecast , nividia
this is very fustrateing , and i see this has been a reoccuring isuse since 2019 for other with roon
this must be a roon software , and we need a fix in a software up date , for now how do i get a workable roon back

Hi @paul_osullivan,

Thanks for taking the time to write in, and I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with your local storage!

As a first step in testing, do you have a portable usb drive, or another method to add a local storage device/folder outside of the NAS?

If so, I would test out adding a small portion of your local library to another device and see if you’re able to successfully add it as a watched folder. We need to rule out any errors relating to the NAS specifically. :+1:

hi Benjamin.
thank you for your reply .
yes i could watch in real time albums in my library become unavailable , then re appear
we have stopped restarted all items in path to no avail over a few days
( having no roon during Christmas eve and new years party was a bit disappointing )
last resort -
we changed the ip address of NAS to static , from dynamic
this seems to work for about 3 hours , then dropped out .
re set everything ( turn every thing off and re start ) let everything rest over nite , has now run for 5 hours , twice , accessing both tidal and library , and my play lists that have both files from NAS and tidal , different file formant dsd etc , generally trying to trip roon up , but everything has been working as it used to.
so far so good , no drop out , no unable to see my library
so all seems to be ok - i ma not sure what fixed it - maybe changing ip address to static , but had been set up that way for years , and all had been perfect
i will leave as is , again thank you for your reply

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