Roon keeps stopping and metadata improver is paused (ref#D5WT78)

What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

Describe the issue

Roon keeps stopping + I'm unable to clear "metadata improver paused" issue.

Describe your network setup

SKY super fast fibre. MacBook Sonoma.

Try a simple reboot of Roon Server

Thanks. Tried the reboot several times before I posted the issue. Still getting the same message.

Head to Roon settings > library and disable (turn off) background audio analysis. Reboot.

Does it still show this?

No, turn back on background audio analysis.

If yes, has this happened before or the very first time?

Still shows after disabling and reboot. It’s been a problem for some weeks. The most annoying thing is the audio stopping every 10 minutes or so. The message “nothing playing” shows each time.

Has anything changed on your network? Any router settings changes? Change of ISP?

Could be a DNS issue.

Roon recommends Google and Cloudfare for DNS. &

Nothing has changed but I’ll check the DNS out. Many thanks.

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Hi @livesoundtouring,

Thank you for your post. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please let us know the current machine running RoonServer. We can see at least two recent server instances in diagnostics. Did you recent migrate your RoonServer?

Please also upload a logset, and note the timestamp of the most recent dropout in a response post here. You can use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader. Thank you!

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