Roon library load issue during backup on ROCK machine (ref#0TYWMD)

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· My Roon software won't start up

Describe the issue

The issue reported in ref#TQLCEF is back again. After or while backing up a problem occurs. Roon shows the error "There was an issue loading your library".

As before, I can restart use my ROCK machine via rock.local. The bug only appears when the backup is executed.

In the backup section, I see an error like "Backup failed at 2:29:48 / Error backing up database".

As suggested before I checked the disk and freed up to 600 GB. I also created a second partition and used the Ext4 file system there (400 GB free space). Roon couldn't finish the backup here either.

So, the external disk seems not to be the problem. I checked it with macOS, Windows and Linux. S.M.A.R.T. is also fine.

Describe your network setup

Fritzbox 7490, Wifi only

As your previous issue was in November, did you not create a backup then? Asking because it says “last successful backup at 13 Jan”

Oh, I thought I’ve deleted all backups to free space. But I did it only directly on the disk and not by using the Roon GUI. Maybe deleting Folders like 75af9XXX-XXXX-e126-7XXX-XXXd79b35a7f is not enough. I don’t need the old backups as so much has changed. I just want to start backing up again.

Delete the existing backup routine and create a new one into a different folder?

Hey @Tekl,

Thanks for following up and sharing your report!

We were able to review a fresh diagnostic report from your Roon Server, and found traces of corruption due to a lack of memory, for example:

Warn: [Broker:Misc] [broker] validation failed: System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
Error: [Broker:Misc] [broker/database] corruption detected: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

Are you able to share a screenshot of the webUI of your ROCK? That may give some additional information around your database size.

I wouldn’t fully delete any available backups quite yet, just to be safe.

Thank you!

Thanks. For the Ext4 volume, I already created a new backup routine. It causes the same error.

So it could be a problem with the internal storage? Here’s the data from the WebUI:

Could the reason be a database corruption? Can this be fixed by reinstalling Roon OS?

Hi @Tekl,
We agree that corruption is the likely explanation here. Reinstalling the OS isn’t necessary you can simply reload a backup from before the corruption happened that way you wouldn’t lose all of your settings. If the corruption occurs again after trying that we can look at deeper causes. Please let us know how this goes.

Hi Daniel,

thanks for your help. My existing Backups are years old. It would be easier for me to start from scratch, as most of my metadata and playlists come from Apples Music App. Thus, there’s no way to repair/rebuild the database from a dump like it’s possible with SQL?

Hi @Tekl,

Unfortunately there isn’t which is why we stress the importance of having multiple backups and backup locations so it’s easy to recover if and when corruption does occur. I’m glad that it won’t be too difficult for you to rebuild with the Apple Music App data. Please let us know if you need any more help with this!

Thanks Daniel. Should I reinstall the whole OS or is Resetting Database & Settings sufficient? Or do I’ve only to delete some files manually?

Hi @Tekl ,

You would need to do a Reset Database + Settings to clear out the corruption. Or there is another way to do it by manually generating a new database and setting the old one aside by using the below instructions, either method works:

  • Stop RoonServer from running in ROCK’s WebUI
  • Navigate to your ROCK’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new Roon database folder
  • On the Roon Remotes, press “Use another Roon Server” and connect to the new database

Hi Noris,

thanks for your steps. I went a total different way by trying DietPi instead of ROCK as it gives mir more flexibility. Currently, I’m experimenting. I miss the faster Boot und Shutdown times of ROCK, but I like better SMB Performance to sync my Apple Music Library to Roon.

Hi @Tekl ,

No worries. Let us know when/if you’d like to pick this back up again, thanks!