"Roon Lite" / "Roon Light" - Roon with limited functionality (and potentially less expensive)

Should they want to do it, that’s something they would have to sort out, not me. It’s certainly not impossible.

Yes, they do. For Home, there are two plans, and for Business, four.
Compare All Microsoft 365 Plans (Formerly Office 365) - Microsoft Store

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You are misrepresenting what I said. The individual office packages are identical.

Anyway, I’ve shared my thoughts and there’s nothing else to say.

I did say that the Roon package would also be identical, just the activation would be different. That’s how it’s usually done, including restricted trial versions.

Guys, you have a great product! But I use about 1% of all the features. I like the interface and I like that a large number of devices are supported. I don’t need Oversampling, DSP and many other things. I am ready to pay for the interface, but I am not ready to give so much money for it. Make it so that there is a basic interface for some adequate money and there is advanced functionality for completely different. This way you will have a lot more users. In my circle, too, no one really wants to pay so much for unnecessary things in roon.

Suggestion for a reduced Roon-Version: “Roon light”
Christmas is coming soon and you can make a wish:
I would like every Roon Nucleus to automatically come with the Roon basic software, the part with which I can’t stream via the Internet and download and search for music data, but at least I can manage my own music (CD rips and purchased HD music) and send it to my streamer. I don’t need sound processing and so on, but I should be able to run Roon on the paid Roon hardware, even if not in the current version, but at least in its basic functions. Otherwise the purchased Roon hardware would be worthless as soon as I stop paying the monthly fees. This does not sound fair to me, sorry!

You dont have to buy Roon hardware and you dont have to use Roon Software, however if you do use Roon software you have to pay for it… Simples!