Roon Lost Control of Audio Device NAD C390DD

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Rock on Intel NUC

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Everything wired

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
NAD C390DD with BluOS MDC module

Description Of Issue

After install of Roon 1.8, I’m getting “Roon lost control of audio device” errors playing Tidal tracks to my NAD C390DD amp. I do not get errors on other endpoints.

Here is an extract from the Rock log at the time of error (Den is my C390DD):

[Den] [zoneplayer] Playing:
03/09 20:59:23 Trace: [tidal/http] GET => Success
03/09 20:59:23 Info: [Den] [zoneplayer] Queueing:
03/09 20:59:23 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 262144 length=57900491
03/09 20:59:23 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 262144 length=31222697
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [Den] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [Den] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 524288 length=57900491
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [audio/env] [env000022] All streams were disposed
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [convolution] resampled 131072 samples to 285689 samples using linear_phase_precise (44100 => 96000)
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [audio/env] [env000023] All streams were disposed
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [convolution] resampled 131072 samples to 285689 samples using linear_phase_precise (44100 => 96000)
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [audio/env] [env000024] All streams were disposed
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [convolution] normalized norm=0.45937578704471294 before 0.0026904338356947277 after 0.0026904338357112874
03/09 20:59:24 Debug: [convolution] adjusted filter length from 285689 to 285686 since filter had trailing zeroes
03/09 20:59:24 Debug: [convolution] performing convolution with 2 paths
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [Den] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=96000, isdts=False, mqa_core=96000) => StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=96000, isdts=False, mqa_core=96000) streamid=889679992
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [NAD C390 @] [raatclient] SENT [14]{“request”:“setup”,“format”:{“sample_type”:“pcm”,“sample_rate”:96000,“bits_per_sample”:24,“channels”:2,“sample_subtype”:“mqa_core”,“mqa_original_sample_rate”:96000}}
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [zone Den] OnPlayFeedback Playing
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [Den] [Enhanced, 24/48 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/96 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Four Paths of Light, Pt. 3 - Pat Metheny
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [musicpowerstate] music is playing, preventing idle sleep
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [Den] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 163200/480000 (34%) @ 0/330 sec
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 786432 length=57900491
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 1048576 length=57900491
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [NAD C390 @] [raatclient] GOT [14] {“status”:“Lost”,“reason”:[]}
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [Den] [zoneplayer/raat] Got ‘lost’ response
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [Den] [zoneplayer/raat] lost endpoint. stopping stream
03/09 20:59:24 Info: sleep 0ms after flush
03/09 20:59:24 Warn: [zone Den] Track Stopped Due to LostEndpoint
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer → stream → endpoint] All streams were disposed
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer → stream] All streams were disposed
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [zone Den] OnPlayFeedback StoppedLostEndpoint
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [zone Den] Suspend
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [zone Den] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [zone Den] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/09 20:59:24 Trace: [Den] [Enhanced, 24/48 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/96 MQA] [100% buf] [STOPPED @ 0:00] Four Paths of Light, Pt. 3 - Pat Metheny
03/09 20:59:24 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed

Further info gathered:

  • When this happens, my C390/MDC locks up and I have to power cycle it to recover.
  • The problem must involve audio parameters because I can play 44.1 KHz files without problem.

Further details.

  • Happens only when trying to play Tidal MQA tracks through NAD C390DD.

  • I can play such tracks using the BluOS app on my tablet.

  • I can play such tracks on other (Raspberry Pi) endpoints.

  • I can play non-MQA tracks everywhere, including hi-res.

So the problem seems to narrow down to problems with:
Tidal/MQA → Nuc/Rock->NAD C390DD/BluOS/MDC

Another log snapshot follows.

03/11 14:03:55 Info:
–[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Enhanced
Source Format=Flac 44100/24/2 Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
MQBPreserve Quality=Lossless
UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=24 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
VolumeNormaliation GainDb=0 Quality=Lossless
HeadroomGain GainDb=-3 Quality=Enhanced
MQBRestore FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
Raat Device=NAD C390
Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=

03/11 14:03:55 Info: MQA authentication
03/11 14:03:55 Info: MQA roon_core_decoder
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [library] recorded play for profile c4f6fb02-4b13-4e02-b7a5-82ff3b42b5ae: mediaid=168:0:44215582 metadataid= contentid=168:0:44215582 libraryid= isfromswim=False
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [zone Den] OnPlayFeedback Playing
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [Den] [Enhanced, 24/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Pull Me Closer - Dimitri Vegas
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/164 sec
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 786432 length=33075072
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [tidal/http] GET => Success
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [Den] [zoneplayer] Queueing:
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [NAD C390 @] [raatclient] GOT [205] {“status”:“Lost”,“reason”:[]}
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [Den] [zoneplayer/raat] Got ‘lost’ response
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [Den] [zoneplayer/raat] lost endpoint. stopping stream
03/11 14:03:55 Warn: [zone Den] Track Stopped Due to LostEndpoint
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [zone Den] OnPlayFeedback StoppedLostEndpoint
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [zone Den] Suspend
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [zone Den] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [zone Den] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [Den] [Enhanced, 24/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [100% buf] [STOPPED @ 0:00] Pull Me Closer - Dimitri Vegas
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer → stream] All streams were disposed
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer → stream → endpoint] All streams were disposed
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 1310720 length=33075072
03/11 14:03:55 Info: sleep 200ms after flush
03/11 14:03:55 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
03/11 14:03:55 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of at 262144 length=33075072
03/11 14:03:55 Info:
–[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Enhanced
Source Format=Flac 44100/24/2 Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
MQBPreserve Quality=Lossless
UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=24 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
VolumeNormaliation GainDb=0 Quality=Lossless
HeadroomGain GainDb=-3 Quality=Enhanced
MQBRestore FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
Raat Device=NAD C390
Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=

03/11 14:03:56 Info: [Den] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
03/11 14:03:56 Info: [library] saved recent ProfileId=c4f6fb02-4b13-4e02-b7a5-82ff3b42b5ae Time=03/11/2021 14:03:56 DataType=album Type=long_nav MetadataId=69221182 ContentId=69221182 LibraryId=
03/11 14:04:02 Info: [stats] 27158mb Virtual, 3829mb Physical, 1070mb Managed, 330 Handles, 95 Threads
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] => Disconnected
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] lost client connection. Retrying
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: Software caused connection abort.)
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 41309ms
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] connecting (attempt 1)
03/11 14:04:04 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Den was playing? False
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [zone Den] Suspend
03/11 14:04:04 Info: [zone Den] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/11 14:04:04 Info: [zone Den] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/11 14:04:04 Warn: [raat_ll/client] [NAD C390 @] failed to connect Connection refused [::ffff:]:44809
03/11 14:04:04 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] => Connecting
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] => ConnectionFailed
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] client connection failed. Retrying in 500ms
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] connecting (attempt 2)
03/11 14:04:04 Trace: [raat] [NAD C390 @] => Connecting

Try playing to a single zone only and set its MQA Capabilities to Decoder and Renderer.

MQA has been set to Decoder and Renderer long ago.

I have a ticket in to NAD/BlueSound.

My thinking is that Roon 1.8 broke something in the BluOS code in the NAD C390DD+MDC which is at latest revision.

Thanks @wklie for your interest.

Hey @Tim_Pointon,

I cannot thank you enough for your patience and for following up with all the details that you have. I am sorry it’s been taking us this long to get back to you :pleading_face:

Are you still getting errors with your NAD C390DD? Did NAD or BlueSound get a chance to reply?

Thanks in advance :pray:

@beka , BlueSound advised that if Roon and NAD were communicating I should wait for NAD to resolve. My NAD amp is no longer being sold, so I’m relying on you to work with (i.e. prod) them . My Roon system did an update yesterday, but it did not solve the issue with the NAD C390DD disconnecting when asked to play MQA tracks from Tidal.

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