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Website not loading Roon Mastery Series when browser language is not english
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Website not loading Roon Mastery Series when browser language is not english
xref ff.: Roon Mastery Series - what is? - #35 by chkrde
Some additional information, headers for language set to en:
and missing when language set to de/fr/es:
Hi @chkrde,
We’ve read your posts here and elsewhere and attempted to reproduce the environment in which you’ve encountered this issue but can’t recreate the symptom. It’s not clear what variable differs for you from everyone else.
Have you disabled any third-party content blockers or other services?
I tested with the following devices/browsers/settings and preferred language in browser set to ‘de-de’. (When switching over from a loading Master Series with ‘en’ to ‘de-de’ i had to clear the cache to make it fail again):
Win 11: chrome (no plugins), firefox (w/ and w/o blockers), edge (no plugins)
MacOS 12.7.6 (Roon Server) : safari (no plugins), firefox (no plugins), chrome (no plugins)
MacOS 14.7.1: same as above
IpadOS 18.1: safari (/w and w/o 1Blocker), firefox/webkit
IPhoneOS 18.1: safari
No proxy involved.
Tested Apple devices with wifi & cellular.
Switched to different website languages.
Tried when beeing logged in and out to account.roon.app.
No combination did work just got a rotating circle. Switching the browsers’ prefered languange to ‘en’ and reloading then Master Servies showed up.
Settings in Firefox:
I can also repro this with Firefox on Windows after making this config change