French to English and English to French translations courtesy of Google):
Traductions du français vers l’anglais et de l’anglais vers le français, gracieuseté de Google) :
I cannot start ROOM Server from my Android tablet, neither my phone (Android Pixel) nor my wife’s (Android OPPO).
Which would confirm that the problem comes from the ROON server installed on my Windows 10 laptop.
It also doesn’t seem possible to blame the music stored on the Synology NAS… since I can play music, including radios, with the program provided by Synology.
I don’t know, however, if the database is on the PC disk or somewhere on the NAS.
In the latter case, I couldn’t find any database files on the NAS…
Thank you in advance for your help.
PS: I’m not a fan of the Apple world!!! You are right.
I uninstalled the ROON program from Windows, then reinstalled the program from ROON Installer.
Apparently I don’t have any particular problem. It seems that everything is working normally but I haven’t checked everything yet.
One small problem, however: my account does not mention that I have a lifetime subscription.
It says I’m using a 30 day trial!
How do I recover my lifetime subscription?
I just discovered that I have a lifetime subscription mentioned… next to a trial version button!..
It’s a bit surprising, but if everything works like that, it’s okay.
Are you sure that the Roon Server application is running on your Windows PC. The Roon Installer installs two programs:
- Roon (the desktop client and UI)
- Roon Server
The latter program does not offer a GUI but does create a notification icon in the taskbar:
Êtes-vous sûr que l’application Roon Server est en cours d’exécution sur votre PC Windows. Le programme d’installation de Roon installe deux programmes :
- Roon (le client de bureau et l’interface utilisateur)
- Serveur Roon
Ce dernier programme ne propose pas d’interface graphique mais crée une icône de notification dans la barre des tâches :
Right-clicking on this icon shows that it is the server and also gives the option to launch on startup - which you probably want to select (but I haven’t because my Windows computer is not my usual Roon Server):
Un clic droit sur cette icône montre qu’il s’agit du serveur et donne également la possibilité de le lancer au démarrage - que vous souhaitez probablement sélectionner (mais je ne l’ai pas fait car mon ordinateur Windows n’est pas mon serveur Roon habituel) :
With regard to the lifetime subscription vs trial issue, have you logged in to your subscription on the newly installed Roon Server? I presume that you have not since you have not been able to connect a client.
En ce qui concerne le problème de l’abonnement à vie ou de l’essai, êtes-vous connecté à votre abonnement sur le serveur Roon nouvellement installé ? Je suppose que vous ne l’avez pas fait puisque vous n’avez pas pu connecter un client.