Roon needs to get into our networks

I am having the same problem.
I have a windows 11 running the server
I have 10 WiiM Ultras connected 8 via Ethernet.

I would pay to have a ROON EMPLOYEE monitor my system and monitor logs to find this problem.

EMAIL AND CHAT BOARDS IS not and WILL NOT solve findemtal problems with Roon stability.

What Roon needs to do is get into our networks and monitor the servers live and watch logs.

If you want to fly to my home and diagnose the problem I would be happy to host your tech team.

What I am not willing to do is spend months fighting with support that says

  1. Reboot
  2. Reinstall
  3. Rewire your network
  4. Etc.

That’s not diagnostic work, that’s distractions.
If you want to make Roon something that someone is willing to pay for Long-term or pay for lifetime membership, it needs a tech team that gets deeply and quickly involved with its customers.

This ROBOTIC response to all issues as NETWORK PROBLEMS doesn’t improve your product and certainly will never solve the problems for people who don’t have 200 hours to spend diagnosing your software. That’s actually Roons Job.

If software that’s supposed to play music back reliably keeps stopping… That’s a PROBLEM. BLAMING everything other than the software just takes us backwards.

Get on our systems, observe the good and bad and find a way to make Roon more reliable. That should be your only goal.

If there are network problems then you need to help notify your users what’s going on, not just STOP PLAYING MUSIC. Without any improvements the. ROON IS TERRIBLE even if you have great features, if you can’t playback music reliably it seems you have missed your core purpose in life.

I am sure people are happy to pay for expertise and support. But unfortunately Roon hides from its customers. Instead of having an opening line, even if paid support, it doesn’t gain confidence or trust that we can’t get help to ongoing problems except robotic answers such as reboot and reinstall.

Please feel free to reach out to me, I have a complex system and environment and I am committed to helping ROON if only someone would actually talk with and work with your actual customers.



Hi @Jeff_White,

I’ve moved your post to Feedback which unlike Support is monitored by Roon’s product team.

They may well monitor the Feedback threads but they don’t often seem to respond. That can be quite frustrating. Hopefully @Jeff_White will get some form of a response. It would be a cruel irony for a person to create a thread about the lack of support to then receive no further support (or acknowledgement!).


Seriously… I’ve been saying this for a while. Roon needs a paid support option. Roon sits at the top of the digital heap in a hobby where tonearms can go for $30,000. 2023 Editors' Choice: Best Tonearms $10,000 & Up - The Absolute Sound

The portion of the Roon user base who can afford paid support should be granted the privilege.


Thanks so much

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I can’t agree with paid support on a service I already pay for, service should be at the same level for all users regardless and not paywalled, I agree it should not be handled by community forum. This isn’t open source software where you would expect it. Roon is a paid service and I pay yearly for it.

If I buy a ÂŁ129 Wiim device I get a better support model than with Roon and I get more direct contact, not open for others to stick their oar in. You instigate support via their app and it gathers all it needs and sends it on. You can use the forum for asking advice by they steer you to use support properly when you need it.

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If you are a monthly or annual subscriber, I agree. I might even suggest that there could be subscription tiers for monthly and annual with and without support, so long as the support is good and the option without support is meaningfully less expensive.

If one is lifetime, I think it’s fair for one to subscribe to a paid support plan or have the option for paid support on a per-incident basis.

Lots of places do this already. I use pfSense at home. I choose not to pay for support, and get only community support. But if I want paid support, I can get it.


Not sure that’s comparable at all to Roon. For one it’s not open source so code is locked down and unknown to anyone outside of the Roon support infrastructure.

Not when the lifetime terms were stated to include support. I, and likely many others, would not be happy if Roon decided to start charging lifers for support. :-1:

I can dig that…I guess if the support were the same sort of non-personal support that we’ve been getting all along, that might be OK.

What I envision might be paid is the type of support where you can talk with human beings and they can remote in and look at things, interactively, with you.

Hi Fellow Rooners,

I am a commercial software company owner.
I feel for anyone trying to write and maintain software.

I also feel for any company supporting a wide base of users with a wide base of skill sets and an ever wider base of hardware, streaming services and data formats. When one combines all these variables it is possibly near infinity complex. Add to that the lack of standards for the music tag data sets and it creates a perfect storm of difficulty to keep everyone happy and working.

That being said, we as customers have become spoiled (to a negative fault) to think and feel deserving that a complex tool like Roon should be sold for $15.00 a month and that somehow they can make it up on volume.

I am an extremely technical person with decades of software and hardware experience and I struggle making this stuff work. I can’t imagine someone being successful who doesn’t have that background, when debugging is required.

That said, if we want GREAT SOFTWARE with GREAT SUPPORT, GREAT UPDATES and tons of new powerful features we have to be willing to pay for it (In my humble opinion).


So pushing a company like Roon to know some of us are front edge adopters and we are willing to invest in both our time and our cash to get the best product and service could teach Roon to become a service company not just a BLACK BOX software company that hides their phone number (apparently that’s what the cool kids do now).

We all depend upon Roon and our hardware tech to bring the wonderful world of music into our homes and our life’s.

We all would prefer to listen to music instead of fighting with our technology and being tech support for our families.

For me, putting money where our “ears” are makes the most sense.

We don’t need more apps, more freeware, more Linux stuff. We need professionally written and professionally support top of class software to go with our Top Of Class hardware and needs for greatness in music listening.


PS: If we are willing to spend thousands on hardware, wires, power why are we not willing to invest significantly in the software. It really is no different than a $25,000 DAC or amp.

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