Roon not consistent in recognizing parts of compositions

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Pink Floyd - Animals 2018 Remix Bluray

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

local files

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

The disc contains 15 tracks, 3 versions of the album: new stereo mix, 5.1 mix and old stereo mix
track 10 and 11: the last track of the surround mix (pigs on the wing part 2) and the first track of the old stereo mix (pigs on the wing part 1) are displayed as a multi part composition. This is not done for the tracks 5 and 6, see screen shot

Try changing “Wing,” to “Wing:” on both offending tracks. And/or add WORK and PART tags with your tagger app.

Changing the , to : I will try. The drawback of using WORK and PART is that the track is no longer considered to be a composition.

If you stick to the naming convention you introduced then track 11 should be named “Pigs on the Wing, Pt. 1”. This should break the multi-part displaying. If you do not want to see multi-part title display without changing files for the album, disable it in the album editor (at the bottom).

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