Roon not detecting Android audio devices or USB headphones (ref#JO4MTD)

What best describes your playback issue?

· My DAC, streamer, or speaker doesn't appear as a Zone in Roon

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *All of my Zones* are affected.

Is your device connected directly to the Roon Server via cable or over the network, or is it chained through another device (such as a streamer, Roon Bridge, or Roon Remote)?

· It is connected through a different device (e.g Rasberry Pi)

Does the device play audio from another source when using the same connection?

· The device has no problems with another audio source

Have you checked that Roon is whitelisted in any firewalls?

· I've checked the firewall and the issue remains

Since you are using a network connection to the device, please ensure that your RoonServer is on the same subnet as the device

· My devices are on a single subnet but is not visible to Roon

Do you have a complex network setup?

· Both the device and RoonServer are connecting to a *single router*

Try to disable any additional networking interfaces on your RoonServer machine.

· Disabling network interfaces had no change in behavior

Check to make sure RoonReady mode is selected on the device.

· I've checked this and the issue remains

If the device has multiple output options, do the other options work as expected?

· Only one output type is affected while the other output type works as expected

Is the device using the latest firmware as per the manufacturer?

· Firmware is up-to-date but the issue remains

Do you have an approximate timestamp of when the issue last occurred?

· Sun 02 Feb 2025

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· Pixel 8 Pro, DS1522 NAS, L&P WS4 DAC, Samsung USB Headphone

Describe the issue

Roon does not detect the Android audio speaker device, nor a DAC nor a USB headphones

Describe your network setup

Using tailscale, Synology NAS, Pixel 8 Pro - phone and NAS are on the same netowkr

Hi @Darren_Evans,
Thanks for reaching out to us for help with this issue. We need some more details to proceed with troubleshooting. Is this issue happening with Roon ARC or the regular Roon app?

In your post you say

Can you specify what is working and what isn’t?

I’m using the regular roon app, all on the same network.

What works - I can select music in Roon on Android and play this to a macBook remotely.

What does not - I cannot select music in Roon on Android and play this via the phone’s speaker nor via a DAC.

Hey @Darren_Evans,

Thanks for the additional information! Have you ensured you’ve turned off Private Zone functionality on the Android when trying this?

Let us know if this helps! :raised_hands:

Just to be clear, I don’t want to control any remote devices.

But I do want to be able to detect my DAC connected via USB and also to play audio via the speaker on the phone itself, neither of which are detected via settings / audio / refresh.

To be able to disable private zone on the speaker or DAC, don’t these need to be detected first ?