Roon not responding in my PC but still able to connect via iPad

I copied and pasted the log. I hope that this he;p. If not, can I start new?. It is getting frustrating and long. As always: thanks for your help.

07/13 16:36:34 Info: Starting RoonServer v1.7 (build 571) stable on windows
07/13 16:36:34 Debug: looking for *_old files in: C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application
07/13 16:36:34 Debug: looking for old numerical version dirs in: C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application
07/13 16:36:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [1] POST to
07/13 16:36:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [1] POST to returned after 424 ms, status code: 200
07/13 16:36:34 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 560ms
07/13 16:36:34 Trace: Checking if we are already running
07/13 16:36:34 Trace: Nope, we are the only one running
07/13 16:36:34 Info: Is 64 bit? True
07/13 16:36:34 Trace: [orbit] init seq=0, pending=0, spcount=0, uidcount=0
07/13 16:36:34 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker] starting 6319785c-2094-455d-a12c-7c62606cd819
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [realtime] Got time from NTP: 7/13/2020 11:36:41 PM (3803672201956ms)
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [realtime] Updated clock skew to 00:00:06.8413581 (6841.3581ms)
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [httpcache] loaded 0 cache entries from C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Cache\httpcache_2.db, current: 0mb / 128mb
07/13 16:36:35 Debug: [broker/filebrowser/volumeattached] initial listing found drive mounted at C:\
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: Internet:Name=Internet Media:Id=e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/locations] media availability: Internet:Name=Internet Media:Id=e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb is online
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: MetadataService:Name=Metadata Service:Id=13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/locations] media availability: MetadataService:Name=Metadata Service:Id=13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8 is online
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: Offline:Name=Offline:Id=f1e4b43f-f643-47ba-b875-fd93b32a6006
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: DefaultMusicFolder:Name=Music Folder:Id=29bdcae6-b5fd-d666-27bf-a1f6afceabac
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [brokerserver] Enabling broker server
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [broker/distributed] HTTP server listening on port 9100
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [broker/backups] initializing
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=NoAccountConfigured MachineStatus=NeedsAccount UserId=<none>
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=7/13/2020 11:36:42 PM nextauthrefresh=7/13/2020 11:31:42 PM nextmachineallocate=7/13/2020 11:36:42 PM
07/13 16:36:35 Trace:  [broker/accounts]   doing auth refresh, next=7/13/2020 11:31:42 PM
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [broker/accounts]    doing machine allocate, next=7/14/2020 3:36:42 AM
07/13 16:36:35 Debug: [broker/filebrowser/volumeattached] initial listing found drive mounted at D:\
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [libraryapi] set first run time 7/13/2020 11:36:35 PM
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [devicedb] initializing
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [devicedb] refreshing, no etag
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [devicedb] builtin device db found at C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application\100700571\
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [devicedb] loading device db at C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application\100700571\
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [stats] 4834mb Virtual, 56mb Physical, 8mb Managed, 784 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [devicedb] loaded 88 vendors, 509 products from devicedb with timestamp 6/12/2020 8:52:58 PM
07/13 16:36:35 Debug: [easyhttp] [2] GET to returned after 431 ms, status code: 200
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [raatserver] [runner] Start or Connect...
07/13 16:36:35 Info: [raatserver] [runner] Start or Connect... C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application\RAATServer.exe
07/13 16:36:35 Info: ConnectOrStartAndWaitForExit RAATServer, path: C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application\RAATServer.exe
07/13 16:36:35 Trace: [broker/services] refreshing metadata URL bits
07/13 16:36:36 Trace: [devicedb] loading device db at C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Cache\
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [broker/dropbox] no account configured
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [remoting] loaded protocol hash 635f572cd00df305e1b3093906d24e04067f5f53 from C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application\100700571\Roon.Broker.Api.Remote.dll
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [broker/distributed] Remoting server listening on port 9101
07/13 16:36:36 Trace: [devicedb] loaded 88 vendors, 509 products from devicedb with timestamp 7/8/2020 7:46:26 PM
07/13 16:36:36 Trace: [geoip] GET
07/13 16:36:36 Debug: [broker/filebrowser/volumeattached] initial listing found drive mounted at E:\
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [broker/filebrowser/volumeattached] skipping drive E:\ because it is a CD-Rom
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [metadata] initializing
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [music] first pass through media thread is done
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [loadstatus] IsLibraryLoading True => False
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [transport] initializing
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [loadstatus] IsTransportLoading True => False
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [loadstatus] IsStartup True => False
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [roonapi] initializing
07/13 16:36:36 Info: [roonapi] listening on port 9150
07/13 16:36:36 Trace: [geoip] GOT {"status":"NotFound","ipaddress":""}
07/13 16:36:37 Info: [raatserver] [runner] Status: Started
07/13 16:36:46 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:36:46 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:36:46 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:36:50 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 69mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 946 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:37:05 Trace: [appupdater] initial check for updates
07/13 16:37:05 Debug: [base/updater] Checking for updates:
07/13 16:37:05 Debug: [appupdater] Update not needed
07/13 16:37:05 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 68mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 933 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:37:07 Info: Flushing kart data to server
07/13 16:37:07 Debug: server said: 
07/13 16:37:18 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
07/13 16:37:18 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
07/13 16:37:18 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=6319785c-2094-455d-a12c-7c62606cd819 BrokerName='PUGET-100710' }
07/13 16:37:18 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100700571 DisplayValue='1.7 (build 571) stable' Branch='stable' } }
07/13 16:37:18 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:37:18 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 77512ms
07/13 16:37:20 Info: [stats] 4880mb Virtual, 74mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 944 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:37:29 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:37:29 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:37:29 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:37:35 Info: [stats] 4876mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 15mb Managed, 957 Handles, 43 Threads
07/13 16:37:36 Trace:  [broker/accounts]   doing auth refresh in EnsureAuthReady, next=7/14/2020 12:37:42 AM
07/13 16:37:36 Warn: [auth] EnsureAuthReady failed: Result[Status=NotLoggedIn]
07/13 16:37:50 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 15mb Managed, 956 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:38:05 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 955 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:38:20 Info: [stats] 4885mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 965 Handles, 45 Threads
07/13 16:38:35 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 947 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:38:50 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 951 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:39:05 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 951 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:39:21 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 950 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:39:36 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 950 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:39:42 Info: [brokerserver] Client disconnected:
07/13 16:39:42 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:39:42 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 62406ms
07/13 16:39:51 Info: [stats] 4856mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 14mb Managed, 932 Handles, 37 Threads
07/13 16:39:52 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:39:52 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:39:52 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:40:06 Info: [stats] 4872mb Virtual, 75mb Physical, 15mb Managed, 963 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:40:06 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
07/13 16:40:06 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
07/13 16:40:07 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=6319785c-2094-455d-a12c-7c62606cd819 BrokerName='PUGET-100710' }
07/13 16:40:07 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100700571 DisplayValue='1.7 (build 571) stable' Branch='stable' } }
07/13 16:40:07 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:40:07 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 81832ms
07/13 16:40:17 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:40:17 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:40:17 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:40:21 Info: [stats] 4898mb Virtual, 76mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 1021 Handles, 48 Threads
07/13 16:40:36 Info: [stats] 4894mb Virtual, 76mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 1020 Handles, 47 Threads
07/13 16:40:51 Info: [stats] 4894mb Virtual, 76mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 1028 Handles, 47 Threads
07/13 16:41:06 Info: [stats] 4890mb Virtual, 76mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 1028 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:41:19 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
07/13 16:41:19 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
07/13 16:41:20 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=6319785c-2094-455d-a12c-7c62606cd819 BrokerName='PUGET-100710' }
07/13 16:41:20 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100700571 DisplayValue='1.7 (build 571) stable' Branch='stable' } }
07/13 16:41:20 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:41:20 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 79521ms
07/13 16:41:21 Info: [stats] 4890mb Virtual, 76mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 950 Handles, 47 Threads
07/13 16:41:30 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:41:30 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:41:30 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:41:31 Info: [brokerserver] Client disconnected:
07/13 16:41:31 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:41:31 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 38165ms
07/13 16:41:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=7/13/2020 11:41:42 PM nextauthrefresh=7/14/2020 12:37:42 AM nextmachineallocate=7/14/2020 3:36:42 AM
07/13 16:41:35 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
07/13 16:41:35 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
07/13 16:41:35 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=6319785c-2094-455d-a12c-7c62606cd819 BrokerName='PUGET-100710' }
07/13 16:41:35 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100700571 DisplayValue='1.7 (build 571) stable' Branch='stable' } }
07/13 16:41:36 Info: [stats] 4898mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 8mb Managed, 964 Handles, 49 Threads
07/13 16:41:41 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:41:41 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:41:41 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:41:51 Info: [stats] 4898mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 975 Handles, 49 Threads
07/13 16:42:06 Info: [stats] 4894mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 976 Handles, 48 Threads
07/13 16:42:21 Info: [stats] 4894mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 988 Handles, 48 Threads
07/13 16:42:36 Info: [stats] 4890mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 990 Handles, 47 Threads
07/13 16:42:51 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 991 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:43:06 Info: [stats] 4882mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 989 Handles, 45 Threads
07/13 16:43:21 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 996 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:43:36 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 996 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:43:51 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 996 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:44:06 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 996 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:44:21 Info: [stats] 4882mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 994 Handles, 45 Threads
07/13 16:44:36 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1001 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:44:51 Info: [stats] 4886mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1004 Handles, 46 Threads
07/13 16:45:06 Info: [stats] 4882mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 45 Threads
07/13 16:45:21 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:45:36 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:45:51 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:46:06 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:46:21 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 44 Threads
07/13 16:46:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=7/13/2020 11:46:42 PM nextauthrefresh=7/14/2020 12:37:42 AM nextmachineallocate=7/14/2020 3:36:42 AM
07/13 16:46:36 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1001 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:46:51 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1003 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:47:06 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:47:21 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1008 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:47:36 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 1008 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:47:51 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1008 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:48:06 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1008 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:48:21 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1008 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:48:36 Info: [stats] 4862mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:48:51 Info: [stats] 4862mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1006 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:49:06 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1013 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:49:21 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1013 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:49:36 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1018 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:49:51 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 1018 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:50:06 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 8mb Managed, 1023 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:50:21 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 8mb Managed, 917 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:50:36 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 8mb Managed, 917 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:50:51 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 8mb Managed, 920 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:51:06 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 922 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:51:21 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 925 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:51:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=7/13/2020 11:51:42 PM nextauthrefresh=7/14/2020 12:37:42 AM nextmachineallocate=7/14/2020 3:36:42 AM
07/13 16:51:36 Info: [stats] 4866mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 927 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:51:38 Info: [brokerserver] Client disconnected:
07/13 16:51:38 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:51:38 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 53324ms
07/13 16:51:48 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:51:48 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:51:48 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:51:51 Info: [stats] 4878mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 950 Handles, 43 Threads
07/13 16:51:53 Info: [brokerserver] Client disconnected:
07/13 16:51:53 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
07/13 16:51:53 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 20089ms
07/13 16:52:03 Trace: Successful POST response from
07/13 16:52:03 Trace: [push] connecting to
07/13 16:52:03 Trace: [push] connected
07/13 16:52:06 Info: [stats] 4881mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 955 Handles, 43 Threads
07/13 16:52:21 Info: [stats] 4877mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 954 Handles, 42 Threads
07/13 16:52:36 Info: [stats] 4877mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 962 Handles, 42 Threads
07/13 16:52:51 Info: [stats] 4873mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 962 Handles, 41 Threads
07/13 16:53:06 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 9mb Managed, 957 Handles, 39 Threads
07/13 16:53:21 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 957 Handles, 39 Threads
07/13 16:53:36 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:53:51 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:54:06 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:54:21 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:54:36 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:54:51 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:55:06 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:55:21 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:55:36 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:55:51 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:56:06 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:56:21 Info: [stats] 4869mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 958 Handles, 40 Threads
07/13 16:56:35 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=7/13/2020 11:56:42 PM nextauthrefresh=7/14/2020 12:37:42 AM nextmachineallocate=7/14/2020 3:36:42 AM
07/13 16:56:36 Info: [stats] 4861mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 954 Handles, 38 Threads
07/13 16:56:51 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 953 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:57:06 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 78mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:57:21 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 10mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:57:36 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:57:51 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:58:06 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:58:21 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:58:36 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 955 Handles, 36 Threads
07/13 16:58:51 Info: [stats] 4853mb Virtual, 77mb Physical, 11mb Managed, 954 Handles, 35 Threads

On a second look, there are under Roon server logs 8 of them several pages long and under Roon there are 3 also quite long. I don’t know how to send you those. Is there a way that you could access my PC and see them yourself. My phone number is [Moderated]. I am located in California. Thanks.

Hi Jose,

I’ve deleted your phone number from this post and provided it privately to Roon. The Forum is visited daily by automated web crawlers, some of which scrape any personal details like phone numbers or email addresses for use by spammers or fraudsters. Posting those details openly on a public forum is worse than writing them on a wall in a bad part of town.

Thanks I was not aware of this potential issue. I am not able to communicate privately since when I try, my emails are returned with this message:

If you click on the avatar of a user you will see an option to send a private message in the top right corner.

Hi @jose_esteban,

We do not offer phone support but we would be more than happy to assist you right here on the Community website.

When we resolve issues on Community, it ensures that our entire team has access to the discussion and can weigh in as needed.

This means that not only can our support team contribute, but so can our QA team, developers, and senior staff.

Unfortunately this log file does not tell us much. Let’s try to simplify and just use the Roon app as both the Core and the User Interface.

I suggest you move the Roon/RoonServer folder out of your %localappdata% directory, reboot your PC and then reinstall just Roon from our downloads page (no server) and verify if this works, here is a direct link to it:

This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.