Roon not streaming to ATOLL ST300 due to different network connections (ref#VV3O9L)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· Something else

Describe the issue

I run Roon on my MacBook. The computer is on WLAN. The streamer, an ATOLL ST300, is on LAN only. No music comes from the ROON Core on the Mac to the streamer. Should both be connected by WLAN?

Describe your network setup

router is from Swisscom

Same subnet?

From Roon help page

Hey @Martin_Bodmer,

@fietser is correct in that all your Roon devices need to be on the same local subnet within your network. Let me know if you’re able to set this up, and if you’re able to get proper playback under these conditions.

With that, we were able to review a fresh diagnostic report from your Roon Server, and see repeating network failures and exceptions in the connection. It may be worth simplifying your overall network setup temporarily. Get a hardwire connection directly form your router to your Macbook, as well as to the ATOLL if possible.

We’ll be on standby for your status! :+1:

I have found my mistake: I had to allow Roon in the app to send the music to my streamer. But finding this switch was pure accident….

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