Roon NUC (ROCK) V2.0 Build 1303 will not download

Roon Core Machine

Linux Intel NUC8i7BEH, 32GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Cisco Switch

Connected Audio Devices

Windows Roon Client x64, Sonore Signature SE Streamer

Number of Tracks in Library

approx. 10,000

Description of Issue

It appears that the latest download of the Roon NUC (ROCK) Core V2.0 Build 1303 is an .img file not .gz file. In addition, after an upgrade of the Roon Windows client to V2.0 Build 1303, and at the software update screen, the client is unable to download the software update for NUC (ROCK) Core. Thank you for your assistance with this issue.

I had pretty much the same issue. After updating IOS and ANDROID I selected the update all from the Windows UI. Got the Something went/is Wrong (?) message but I could see the NUC was comming up (drive light flashing) and left it be for awhile. When I came back to it the Roon software on Windows had updated but the NUC8I7BEH was showing to be on 1299 and needing an update to 1303. Selected update and when I came back it was still sowing the same screen, Windows had updated but not the NUC. Hit the back arrow button top left and a new screen appeared with a connect button for the NUC. Hit connect then the screen showed NUC needed update. Selected Update again, 3rd time, and this time it worked.

  1. Just checked the file extension of the Roon NUC (ROCK) download, and it is still .img not .gz and 2) Attempted to download the software update for Roon NUC (ROCK) through the latest Roon Windows client, and although the “Update Now” button appears for the Core update, after clicking it, it says “Downloading…” and after a while, still fails with a “Retry now” button. Tried this several times with no success unlike Mike.

I also have a NUC8i5 and I’m also in the same boat. I’m stuck in download/fail/retry loop. Good thing roon isn’t my only streaming method and why it will never be.


Same problem here. ROCK stuck at checking for an update.

Same problem here with a Nucleus+. Roon support, please wake up!

What happens if you use the Web Administration Interface to reinstall Roon OS? Does that then pull in the latest build via that route?

To me, it looks like there is a problem on Roon’s side, as there are many users affected by that problem. Should be an easy fix for them. Thank you for the link, Geoff, but it doesn’t fix that problem.

Problem is solved now. Update has been pulled!

This is still very broken for me this morning. I get an error checking for update and I can repeat this loop with no change.


Hey Sheldon, I think the only difference for me was hitting the back button on the Windows UI that seemed to be suck in an update loop. That took me back to a different screen with an option to connect to the NUC or Windows core. Selected connect for the NUC and then got an update needed. Selected Update from there and it worked. Maybe that took a different path to the update, don’t know but it worked.

Mike, thanks for the idea, I’ve tried doing the update through settings as well with the same problem.

My solution is to roll back my clients to 1299. It seems like we have a bad update about once a year. I’m seriously rethinking letting anything auto-update, and sticking with a version that works until a major update comes out.


No it hasn’t been pulled. My ROCK just rebooted itself for no apparent reason (A full OS reboot, not just a server restart) and I was forced to update to 1303 on restart. All seems to have come back up OK but it is a worrying development.

I thought this might be a simple fix, but maybe not. Would anyone be willing to share a link to Roon client Windows x64 V2.0 Build 1299 so I can go back? Unfortunately, I deleted the older release.

I have 2 cores. The Windows PC core updated automatically, without any problem. The Nucleus+ core updated after aprox. 20 min after the problem has been detected. It has been the first time I am aware of update problems.

I noticed the NUC OS restarted yesterday when I selected update all and that was unexpected. The NUC also had a bit of an issues with the 1303 update.

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I think he meant “pulled” as in downloaded and installed, not “pulled” as in removed from circulation

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Hey @Joel_B,

Ben with support here - I was able to pull your account up and see that your ROCK is now on build 1303, are you still running into issues?

If others are continuing to experience similar issues, I suggest starting a new thread in order to receive proper visibility. Thanks! :+1:

  1. The ROCK download file is still file extension .img not gz.2) I was never able to upgrade my ROCK with the Roon client on Windows or IOS. I was only able to upgrade via the web interface on the NUC by selecting reinstall Operating System. That upgrade was completed just before you responded.

The link on the ROCK download page is this: with a .gz.

This is a disk image (img) file that is compressed (gz). However, if you download it with a Mac, the macOS automatically uncompresses it and so you end up with the img. macOS does this with all compressed downloads, e.g. with regular zip files as well. (I don’t know why the ROCK install instructions don’t mention that). I don’t know if Windows does, if you use that.

However, why does it matter? Any image writing software works with img. They are just able to automatically decompress them if they are .gz, so you don’t need to do it.