Roon Nucleus Availability - Delivery to The Netherlands

After weeks of trials with my macbook as a core, I ordered the Nucleus. Delivery time to Netherlands would be between 1-2 weeks but by now it is exceeding 4 weeks (with a remark that Corona is a cause of this). Any forecast when shipments might be restarted (to The Netherlands)?

Hi @Arno_Pfennings, may I ask where you ordered your Nucleus from? I’ll check in with our orders team to see if I have a status update on your order shipment. Thanks!

Hi, I ordered from iEar in The Netherlands. Last update from them is that delivery is postponed to e/o April. Not sure if this is correct (hope not)

Hi @Arno_Pfennings we have just received your order and finalized processing it. We will begin shipping your Nucleus to you tomorrow!

Again you as a company amaze me. I am impressed how well you drive and own specific customer cases!
Looking forward to any tracking data (if available at shipping)



Hi @Arno_Pfennings, I’m happy to help!
From here, your Nucleus is being shipped to our distributor in the Netherlands, who will ship the Nucleus to iEar, who will then be able to ship your Nucleus to you. This means that unfortunately I do not have shipping information that I can share with you at this time, but your dealer may have information very soon!
Thanks again

For completeness let me feed back that indeed I received the NUCLEUS within several days from my dealer…and the dealer was flabbergasted that the lead-time was reduced by a month…by me just asking ROON (missed chance for him I think).
The unit is great, sound is excellent and the application features are amazing. Thanks for your effort!

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Hi @Arno_Pfennings, thanks for the update! Glad to hear that you’re enjoying your Nucleus too, that’s the best news to us. Please do feel free to reach out again if you have any questions down the road!


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