Roon Nucleus Boot Loop and No Display

Roon Core Machine

Roon Nucleus Plus

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear 10GE Switch, Hard Wired

Connected Audio Devices

Schiit Yggdrasil / USB

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Unable to connect to room Nucleus from the Roon app on PC/Phone.
Cant find the Server.

On investigation, I noticed the networking port would blink (both LEDs) and after a while it will go dead, then start back with 1 LED, then Both, then cycle.

The Power Light remains constantly on.

I am assuming the device is stuck in some sort of boot loop where and the network interface LEDs is reflective of the different states.

When I hook up a monitor to the HDMI Ports (I’ve tried both A and B ports) there is no display on the monitor coming from the Nuclues.

I’ve tried the steps in this article to reset the cmos battery to no avail:
Roon Nucleus power button won’t light up - Support - Roon Labs Community

I’ve also tried swapping out new sodim memory and still no joy.
I’ve also disconnected the power button to rely on the built in power button on the motherboard and still nothing.

It appears like the board/cpu mite be gone.

I’ve troubleshooted the issue for a few days so I’ve decided to reach out to initiate RMA procedures. Let me know if there’s anything else i can try/test.

@Matthew_Hypolite, welcome to the Community. Do you know when you purchased the Nucleus and from where (e.g., a dealer or from Roon directly)? If from a dealer, the recommendation is you start with them to diagnose the issue. If from Roon, then this post is the correct method for contacting them for further diagnosis.


I purchased it from the Roon Store/Seller on Amazon:

Ordered on September 28, 2019
Roon Nucleus +
Sold by: Roon Labs LLC

OK, then this is the forum to use. It appears to be out of its two-year warranty, but Roon will have to look into this. I have re-categorized this in the Nucleus Support category.

Thank you, do i just wait on a reply here?

Yes, it is in Roon’s suuport queue. Other users may have additional suggestions.

Since it’s out of warranty, remove the m.2 boot SSD. See if it can power up with display normally without boot loop.

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Hey, so removing the m.2 allowed the unit to boot.
At first I saw a cmos error, but I’m guessing that may be from resetting the cmos battery. then it went to “a bootable device has not been detected”.

On power cycle, it displays the room logo then goes back to “a bootable device has not been detected”

So I’m guessing the issue is my SSD is fried.

I have spare m.2 SSDs so I can replace it, I also have a backup of my room config and database.

Is there a link or procedure I can follow to re-install roon with a new SSD?

Install ROCK on it with your spare m.2 SSD (don’t use QLC). Restore your database.

Then request support to turn it into Nucleus firmware. You may need to provide proof of purchase and the serial number.

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Hey @Matthew_Hypolite,

Ben with support here, thanks for writing in! You’ve had some excellent next steps provided here from @Robert_F and @wklie.

Let me know if you have any questions during the install process. Feel free to send me a private message when you’ve completeled the install as well. Thanks! :+1:

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