Roon Nucleus One not connecting to internet and failing to load songs (ref#AR7ES8)

Hey @Michael_Lopez,

Either should be fine, but since Peter is on the Lumin team, we suggest following their suggestions in this case. :+1:

What happens if you temporarily disable your local library? Or, if you don’t have any local library, what happens if you disable one of your streaming services, and only run one at time? Do you have the performance same issue?

We’ll be on standby for your reply :pray:


I have my local library disabled so that shouldn’t affect my issues. Yes, I have tried each streaming service on its own, no issues with Tidal, I do get disconnects or long pauses with Qobuz. I had a long pause this morning using Qobuz, so far haven’t had the “waiting on Roon Server” occur yet. I usually encounter that after several days of using Roon.


Hello @Michael_Lopez ,

We enabled a deeper diagnostic mode for your account, can you please try to reboot your RoonServer twice and then let us know the exact local time + date + track (if applicable) when you next observe this behavior? The easiest way to achieve this is via the Web UI:

Song paused and reboot occurred at: Today 10/9, time was 2:53, Qobuz track Bright Mississippi by Allen Toussaint. No other errors occurred since then.


Hey @Michael_Lopez,

Thanks for the timestamps! We were able to locate the timestamp within the diagnostic report around the time you were playing Bright Mississippi. What’s odd is that we’re not seeing any traces of your Nuclues rebooting, we’re only seeing the song pausing.

To confirm, is it the Nucleus that’s restarting, or is it the Roon app on your remote device?

Additional details show that the Eversolo device could potentially be sending a pause request to your server, stopping playback:

Trace: [zone] eversolo received transport control from endpoint integration: pause
Trace: [zone eversolo] eversolo received transport control from Eversolo DMP-A6: pause

Perhaps you could review settings on the Eversolo in the meantime as well? Thank you, Micahel!


One of the issues I encounter is if I leave the Roon app on my ipad open, then come a hour or two later and press play, the song will not play. I usually have to shuffle or pick another song for it to start.

On 10/10 at 2:11pm the song was Heartbreaker Please by Teddy Thompson. Very long pause before the song started
Equipment: Eversolo A6

On 10/10 at 2:18 the was song Since I Been Loving You by Eric Steckel, a good 30-40 sec pause then the Roon App playlist page on my ipad stopped and then freshed the page.
Equipment : Lumn U2 Mini

Checked all setting on the Eversolo and Lumin, both looked okay in regard to network settings etc…

Hey @Michael_Lopez,

Thanks for the reply! To confirm, the only issues at this point are from your iPad?

Based on the timestamps you’ve provided, we’re seeing the following traces that better describe the delay in playback:

First, the track begins loading properly:

[LOADING @ 0:00] Since I Been Loving You - Eric Steckel

But shortly after this, we see entries indicating that various data blocks for files related to this track were not retrieved immediately (as they normally would):

FTMSI-B 14 FileCache qo/ED974FC1 dwStatus:DownloadNotStarted files:1 accessTimeOut:True

Basically, the bandwidth allocation to download the track’s data had not yet started or was interrupted. To better prove this, we can see the bandwidth is initially 0 kbps:

FTMSI-B 15 FileCache dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:0 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:41':12) --> bw limit:0kbps

The proper bandwidth was eventually allocated (51200 kbps), but it’s clear there was a delay in starting the download process, which is very likely in line with the pause you experienced before playback started.

As a next step, could you access your router settings and see if you’re able to dedicate additional network bandwidth/allocation to your iPad? This may help improve the loading and buffering of tracks after a period of time where the iPad is not in use.

We’ll be on standby for your results! :+1:


Turned on QOS for iPad client. So far things are running smoothly, let’s see how the day goes and if I get any long delays or “Waiting For Roon Server” errors.


Thing have not improved. Something going on with Qobuz, now I’m getting errors where it’s saying “Song unavailable on Qobuz”, then skips to the next song, this has happened multiple times today. Signed out of Qobuz then got errors twice trying to log back in. Error was: “unexpected error please try again”.
Songs are taking.a bit to load again but after several attempts they load okay.

Very frustrating….Mike

Hi @Michael_Lopez ,

Thank you for the update. It looks like the deeper diagnostic mode logs came in, we will review these logs with the team and reach out once we have their feedback. Thanks in advance for your patience.

thank you very much…Mike

Hey @Michael_Lopez,

Our development team has a ticket in for further review, but we don’t have any immediate next steps for you quite yet, how are things feelings on the latest build 1470?

I like the smart playlist feature, but so far still have issues with Qobuz. Pauses are occurring again, sign out of Qobuz back in and that helps at times, but overall the performance is been suffering due to the pauses.
Hopefully you can find what’s the issues. Thanks for you assistance!.. Mike

Hi @Michael_Lopez,
Sorry you’re still having problems with Qobuz. Right now we’re waiting for some new diagnostics to be added to Roon that should help is diagnose this problem. We will let you know when it has been released and activated for you.

Thank you, look forward to hearing back for you….Thanks, Mike

Hi @Michael_Lopez ,

We will need to have a new Roon release before we can enable the new diagnostics mode. After we release the next version of Roon and you have installed the update, please let us know so that we can enable the diagnostic mode, thanks!

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I initiated a support request in October ( ref#AR7ES8) for this issue. Last response Roon was:

I’ve reopened this topic for you and moved your post from the Roon Software Discussion category into it to keep everything together.