Roon Nucleus/Synology Connection

I just moved from a SGC 1.5 to a Roon Nucleus connected to a Synology NAS DS 718 + via my Network. The network path I used us SMB://[NAS Server name]/Music. Music being the file on my NAS where there are separate music folders by artist, etc. Roon accepted this network path (i.e. the server name and Music folder) but my music is not in my library. What is going on here?

Roon Nucleus 1.8 and Synology NAS


Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

I just replaced my Roon Core with a new Nucleus running 1.8. I am wondering how to set up the Network path between the Nucleus and the Synoloy NAS. Is it smb:/ [IP adderess] /[NAS name]/[Folder name]. Is it also correct that when using smb the Synology password cannot contain a special character?

Hello @Jack_Kolpen1, seems like you have effectively just one issue here, so I’ve merged your posts and left them in the #support category. Easier for the support people.

Thanks. You are correct

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Any idea when I will get a response?

I resolved this issue

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Hey @Jack_Kolpen1,

I’m so sorry it took us this long to get back to you. Thanks for the effort you put in to make this work. What helped?

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