Unable to link after power outage and HDMI/Keyboard connection is also not working. This happened in Nov and it corrected itself without any intervention on my part, but this time, nothing seems to work. Everything on the network reset when the power went out, so there may be configuration elements that need to be reset. I have seen other posts that indicate the unit may need to be sent for repairs? I purchased this unit direct from Roon less than a year ago.
Thanks, Bernd - The TV sees the device is connected but it looks like the Roon is not passing signal - It says, ‘check device power.’ Everything is on and plugged in. The only possible variable is I have an apple USB keyboard plugged in to it.
Looking at the Nighthawk admin panel, it’s either one of three generic devices at (00:11:D9:7A:13:d4), (00:0E:F3:54:13:1A), (CC:5B:31:BB:20:93) or Laptop-0CDCC78T at (00:0D:B9:5E:11:94)
Not a good sign. At least during boot up the Nucleus should throw some messages to the screen. With a bit of luck the power outage only killed the power supply. But that’s just me guessing.
Thanks, Bernd - I ordered another power supply just in case. It looks like it has power, but it’s worth a try. I’m not sure if my samsung tv is willing to just pass the hdmi signal - seems like it’s trying to do its own thing there, so I’m not 100% sure we can isolate just the nucleus yet.
Thanks, Bernd - I was able to make a direct HDMI connection to it and there is no display at startup or ever - Just a blank/black screen. Rebooting doesn’t seem to help it. I’ve seen this referenced on a few other threads as well. I worry this thing is bricked.
(Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!)
If you purchased this less than a year ago direct from Roon then they will arrange a RMA for you to send it back.
I’m going to page @support here and they will dive into this as soon as they can.