Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Synology DS1815+
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Home LAN
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Android cell phone in this case
Description Of Issue
I did a search and found only one relevant thread that I will link later.
At one point I was waiting for something and thought “why don’t I listen to music?”. I was outside. I have a Wireguard VPN set up on my cell phone that connects to my home network. So, I connected the VPN while being on an LTE network and started Roon and was greeted with a message “No Wi-Fi connection. You need to connect to the same Wi-Fi network as your Roon Core.”
Is it possible what I am trying to do? It should be theoretically possible but it looks like the Roon Remote app specifically requires a Wi-Fi connection. Why? When I was testing later when I was at home I noticed that when I start the app while on wifi then kill wifi and start my VPN over LTE the Roon Remote keeps working but I can’t select my phone as an end point. When I kill the app and start it again I am greeted with the message that I need to be connected to wifi and can’t proceed any further.
It looks like this is done on purpose. If the app didn’t specifically require a wifi connection I could try something at least. Is there a possibility of abuse if Roon is allowed to be used remotely? Is it possible to let legitimate users to use Roon remotely? Is it a technical issue or security issue?
I found this thread about iPhone:
The second post states the Roon remote use would require a Layer 2 VPN. Is it correct? If so, non-rooted Android doesn’t support Layer 2 VPNs, the same as iPhone. Some people in that thread claimed that they could use Roon remotely on iPhone.
Would it possible to listen to Roon while walking in a park?