Roon on MacOS 15.0+ Sequoia: Audio Zones Disappear, Requiring Local Network Access Reset or RAAT/Roon/macOS Restart [Roon Investigating]

And one more. I think we can start to believe now :slight_smile:

Have we heard from any of those who were blaming Roon and demanding a fix for the issue from Roon?

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Upgrading to Sequoia 15.3 solved this issue for me, though only when I also updated the server Mac Mini. Silly me!

I had been disappointed that even after upgrading my regular Mac to 15.3, it still wasn’t showing me its own speakers as a possible audio zone. I’m posting this just in case someone with a similar, multiple-Macs setup doesn’t immediately think to upgrade their server system software.


For the record, and this is not a mac server, I run a windows Roon server with ios/mac clients and the ios devices often disappear and then eventually reappear in Settings/Audio as “enabling.”

No amount of manual intervention enables the device and eventually it reappears and works normally. This behaviour has been present for years, I’ve no idea idea why it happens but all system upgrades have been performed and over the years the whole network has been replaced multiple times, just saying…

I see this very rarely and for a short time until the output comes up, but this is a different issue

As mentioned and agreed, but the symptoms are pretty much the same…:pray:t3:

The Sequoia 15.3 release fixed my problem with audio zones disappearing.


The evidence appears to be mounting to suggest that the Sequoia 15.3 has fixed the issue introduced in 15.0 or, at the least, one of the more common causes of it.

This is good news for those running Mac hosted Roon Servers.

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