Roon Playback on Sonos - Skips Infrequently

Roon Server is on Synology NAS

NETGEAR ORBI MESH network gear

Roon on all other devices works flawlessly - only when playing to Sonos system does it skip.
It skips every time within a few seconds of the start of a track, and then sometimes later on in the track once more or twice.

I have <2000 tracks in my library, but these skips usually happen from Qobuz streaming anyways.

@Joe_Figueiredo, is your Sonos set up using SonosNet or are they connecting natively to your WiFi or Ethernet network? SonosNet has resulted in intermittent connectivity issues with some Roon users, but tends to be mitigated when the Sonos systems are connected directly to your network without using SonosNet.

How is your NAS Roon Server connected to your network, via WiFi or Ethernet cable?

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