Roon playback stops after 20 minutes requiring server restart (ref#AR0CEU)

What’s happening?

· Something else

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Describe the issue

Roon plays for just about 20 minutes and stops. To get it to play again. I have to shutdown my server, then start all over again for to play another 20 minutes. What is the solution to this problem ?
Thank you.
I have a lifetime subscription. Email is “”

Describe your network setup

Network router Verizon fiber optic, modem Verizon Fios 1100 - no other devices and my server plugs directly into the router

Hey @Koby_Koranteng,

Thanks for taking the time to write in and share your report - its good to see you on the community again!

Before anything else, I suggest you first update your Roon devices to the most recent build - 1470. Then, let me know if your issues persist.

I’d also give your router a reboot, and see if the same issue occurs. If it does, please share a more specific date, time, and name of the track playing when the issue occurs.

We’ll be on standby for your reply, thank you! :raised_hands: