Roon playback will suddenly become extremely loud and digitally garbled/distorted

Roon Core Machine

macOS Ventura 13.4 (22F66), MacBook Air M2, 24 GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Eero Pro 6

Connected Audio Devices

Topping E30 II DAC
Topping L30 II Headphone Amplifier

Number of Tracks in Library

3,852 tracks

Description of Issue

Intermittently and unpredictably, but at a frequency of roughly once per day, audio coming from Roon becomes digitally garbled and sounds like it’s coming through a digital buzzsaw; the volume also increases simultaneously to something like 30% louder (just guessing) to the point that I have to jerk my headphones off my head to stop the pain.

I do have upsampling turned on but this happens whether a track is being upsampled or not. Some other notes:

  • This only seems to happen when I’m listening through my headphone setup; e.g., this has never happened when I’m listening through Sonos. I’ve never tried to replicate it by just listening straight from my laptop headphone jack, only through the Topping DAC and headphone amplifier.
  • I cannot reliably replicate the issue, it seems to happen randomly (i.e., in the middle of a currently playing track; sometimes when a new track starts)
  • 9/10 times if I quit Roon and restart it, the problem is resolved
    • Sometimes turning off the Topping DAC off and back on helps, but not consistently
    • Occasionally just skipping to a new track will fix it, but it’s rare enough that I’ve stopped trying to fix it by doing this.

Hi and welcome from a fellow user, Benjamin!
Strange, that it happens also without upsampling turned on.
Please show us screen shots of signal path and device setup.


Here’s a screenshot of the signal path:

For the device setup, I’m guessing you wanted this?
CleanShot 2023-07-11 at 09.45.57

Yep, good man!
Mac Book Air connected via Ethernet?
If on WiFi, try it to eliminate variables by testing Ethernet.

DAC connected via USB, I presume.

Nothing sticking out to me, really - but who am I to know…
Maybe try setting fixed volume and deselect integer mode, just in case…
And also give it a shot without any DSP enabled, so do away with volume leveling and convolution.

MacBook Air connected via WiFi (though the router is about 4’ away from it). Will have to get an ethernet adapter to test the connection, as the MacBook Air’s don’t have an ethernet port.

DAC is connected via USB, yes.

Will try the fixed volume and deselecting integer mode, and without DSP.

Wish this was easier to replicate, it’s always a very unpleasant surprise :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks so much for your help!

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Hey @ben_v,

Ben with the support team here - apologies for the delay in getting to your issue! This sounds quite unpleasant, I’m sorry you’re experiencing it in the first place!

If possible, could you jot down the specific date and time, as well as name of track playing, the next time this issue occurs? A painful thing to ask in reality, but is massively helpful for us in regards to better reviewing your core diagnostic to figure out what exactly might be happening.

@Marin_Weigel has some excellent suggestions above as well - thanks Marin!

I’ll be on standby for your reply. :+1:

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