Roon/Qobuz no longer working together

Roon Core Machine

Router is Bell Fibe HomeHub 3000, to Cisco Meraki switch, all components hardwired to ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Windows 10 computer and Roon Nucleus clone connected by ethernet, usb from Nucleus clone to AMR dac

Number of Tracks in Library

Only a few thousand tracks which are on Qobuz, nothing on a hard drive yet

Description of Issue

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Have you tried loging out of Qobuz through Roon, reboot the Roon server, then log back into Qobuz through Roon?

Several times, along with having tried many suggestions from many different threads with no remedy…have unplugged and rebooted all of my gear, changed DNS settings, etc etc…if it has been discussed here, I have tried it

Have you tried taking the switch out of the chain, or using a simple unmanaged switch?

I have not, but only because it has worked perfectly since I installed it…and I have 4 pieces of gear hardwired theough it, with no other connectivity issues at all…I have unplugged and rebooted it along with the router, etc with no change…i should add I have had this issue before, but changing my dns setting solved the issue the first time, and unplugging my whole system including router, leaving it for a few hours, and rebooting everything, solved it the second time…relatively easy fixes but no success with these remedies this time

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Would you care to share more details with us about the hard- and software specifics hiding behind those two words?

Dear Larry,
I feel your pain as, for couple of years now I have had issues with Roon playing Hi Res Qobuz files. I’ve tried to find a solution in many different ways - from all the things people have suggested to you (rebooting everything, signing out and signing in to both Roon and Qobuz…) sending the info on all of my setup to support (one tech, sadly, seem to know less about it than even I), reinstalling Roon, changing the roon core machine (two different windows machines - both new), changed two routers, pulled new ethernet connection (dedicated) to the core from the router, all of it to no avail (have symetrical 1gig fiber service that NEVER fails on any other device - including 2 large 4K LG TVs that work perfectly, and the speed tests - to both machines used as cores are in excess of 900 MBPS both up and down)… Roon DID work fine with Qobuz at some points and (on occasion still does), but there have been many people who have this issues and nothing seems to be solving it so I have given up. I am considering changing the whole system for streaming and just buying one of the high end streamers that can stream directly from Qobuz (node 2i I am currently using as a streamer with Chord Qutest DAC is inferior when used without Roon to stream Qobuz) and be done with it. I have come to understand that Roon technical support will not (cannot) fix this and it seems to be just the thing one has to accept . I actually felt a bit of relief as I have heard one of the well know YouTube reviewers of HiFi audio noting (albeit in passing) that Roon does not play nicely with Qobuz…

@Larry_Smith2 - In addition to clarification of your “Nucleus Clone”, could you also expand on what you mean by “Roon/Qobuz no longer working together”? Has the integration failed/can’t login; dropouts/skipping of Qobuz tracks; or something else entirely? Thanks.

Thank you Marin, Igor, and Geoff…the Nucleus “clone” is a dedicated core with only Roon installed, no windows or anything else…I am not familiar with the internals as a computer friend built it for me in exchange for some speakers…it is a quality build with significant power in a fanless case, it is done right I believe and has worked extremely well for many many months…i could get rhe internal specs if it was important but it would be a day or so…I operate this with either my phone/Roon app or another computer connecttef to the “clone” by ethernet

I can sign into Qobuz within Roon, although sometimes it takes a bit, but usually can log in with no issues, and yes, I use my emIl address…the problem is playback…all my playlists/albums etc are available, but playback will not start when i select something…if it does start to play, it will last 5-10 seconds and then stop, with the dreaded Qobuz is loading slowly, networking issue etc message

When I fixed this issue a few weeks ago by rebooting my whole system, it was working great again, although I was experiencing a one second dropout on tracks, maybe a couple of times an hour, but the whole thing has failed again before I tried to track it down

As i have been thinking about this, it occurs to me now that an update came out several days ago, and i believe this started after the update…can i ask…when an update is available and it alerts me and says update all, is it updating the clone/core as well because everything is connectedby ethernet? Or do i have to access the clone for updates…have not explored/investigated this yet

I used Roon for years with Tidal, using my computer as a core, and never had these issues…Qobuz works perfectly through the native app, so it is almost looking like taking Roon out of the chain will be the solution…not at all what i want to do but as it sits right now, i tend to walk away from my system in frustration, mostly because i cannot find a solution, and the time i am spending with my system is trying to troubleshoot and not be enjoying my music/system…if dropping Qobuz, which i prefer, and going back to Tidal is the answer, then so be it…I am just having a hard time with a system that has mostly worked extremely well, all of sudden being basically useless and no easy solution to be found

Igor, i have read the many, many posts about this very issue, and the seeming lack of resolution…so Roon, if this is what i have to live with regarding Roon/Qobuz, and it will be a recurring thing, please just let me know…i appreciate any help you can give, and i am willing to work theough the steps, and I love Roon when it works, so i truly dont want to make any changes to my system…is this an update issue possibly?

Thanks again for all the responses

Also, I know many, many folks enjoy Roon and Qobuz together, so i have an open mind about it being a problem within my network/hardware…just want a lasting resolution if there is one

Thanks again for the help

OK, thanks for the clarifications, that’s useful. Just a few more things to bring the issue into focus for the Support team to tackle…

So I think your Roon Server (the artist previously known as Roon Core) has been installed with ROCK, and you can now access the Web Administration interface?

This sounds as though you are signing in often? That’s unusual, once you are signed in, you should stay signed in (I can’t remember the last time I needed to sign in to Qobuz in Roon - the signin has persisted through multiple upgrades of Roon).

OK, this does sound like a network issue. The Support team will be able to pull logs from your Roon Server to investigate further.

Yes, the Roon Server and Roon Remote on the PC will both be updated automatically. If you also have Roon Remotes on tablets and smartphones, these are updated separately via their app Stores.

It‘s not working satisfactorily anyway, so waiting a day to get the exact specifications early on is time well spent.

Are you using any Muse (DSP) functions by chance, like upsampling, PEQ, convolution etc?

Thanks Geoff…yes, ROCK is on the Roon Server, and I’m sure I can access the interface, but I haven’t yet, and not quite sure how although I could figure it out I’m sure…I’ll work on that now

Qobuz usually does stay signed in, but I have been signing in and out in order to try to resolve this…under normal operation, it does stay signed in

To update the playback issue, I rebooted everything this morning and cleared the cache, and it began working right away…however…it will get about 2 mins or so into a track, stop, and then go to the next track in the playlist, that starts playing and then a few minutes later, same thing…sometimes a track will play all the way through, but next track, the problem will happen again

Thanks for the update on the updates…I did go into settings and made sure that the version was current for the server

Thanks again for your help with this…cheers


Yes Martin, I do use some of the Muse function…minor peq settings, upsampling, volume leveling, but nothing really intense

Thank you


Then, for a test, turn off these functions and see if that changes anything!

Thanks Marin…I have previously disabled all the Muse functions but it has made no difference regarding this particular issue…today I will move my computer closer to my dac and use it as a Roon core, as I used to, and completely bypass the server…see if that restores functionality and if the server is the issue

While I use a Cisco Catalyst managed switch with no issues, Roon recommends against using managed switches for most folks because setting them up properly takes some expertise.

Unless you are using a Meraki Go switch, Cisco Meraki switches require a paid cloud subscription to keep working. Are you using Meraki or Meraki Go? If the former, are you sure all your Meraki licensing is in good order? Can you share more about the port configurations for all ports on your switch? Is there a pending update on the switch?

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Thank you…i have been using a Meraki MP220 with no licensing and with no issues for about 2 years…I have switched it in and out for an unmanaged unit and it has made no change at all

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So some further experiments…I have been trying different configurations, and long story short, when I eliminate the server in the chain, and use my computer as a core and usb directly to my dac, Roon and Qobuz are working as they should, no issues

It appears the server is the issue, but I have no idea why and how to proceed from here…

Also, I do see now how to access the user interface for the server

Thanks again


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When you say server are you talking about your Nucleus clone? If so, it sounds like your ethernet is a little wonky on that unit. Maybe even a bad cable. Seems at this point you should get the specs on the clone from your friend. Maybe we can pinpoint the problem from that.

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