Roon Qobuz Top tracks section in the artist page not shown if track of the same artist is added to library

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows10 2004 X64 / Intel Nuc Kit nuc8i3beh / Roon 1.7 (Build 667) X64

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

LAN CABLED 1Gbit (no network problems)

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

DENON AVR 3600H throw HDMI 2.1

Description Of Issue

Roon Qobuz Top tracks section not shown in the artist page if any track of the same artist is added to library. If no tracks of an artist is added to library top tracks section still alive. The only workaround i found to make trop tracks visibile again is delete all music of that artist from library. Please fix this.

Hi @Andrea_Cova,

Can you please share a few screenshots of this behavior?

Hi Noris,

thanks for the reply, here they are:

the first is with any song of the artist added to my library:

the second i add to my library a song

The third after added the song:

afther this no more top tracks, the only way to have top tracks back is delete from library all songs of the artist

Hope this can help you to replicate the issue.

Let me know if it helped.


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Hello @Andrea_Cova,

Thanks for those screenshots! I checked in with the team and we are aware of this behavior, we have a few improvements planned in this area for a future Roon release. Although I can’t comment on when these changes will be released, do know that we are working on this. Thank you again for the report!

Hi Noris,
Thanks for the update, I just have to wait for the release of the new version.

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