Roon ready devices not showing in audio setup

My roon ready devices are not showing up in audio setup.
Please help!

Is everything connected to the same network and to the same subnet? Let’s say your server has the IP address 192.168.0.xx, are your Roon Ready devices on 192.168.0.yy? And not on 192.168.1.yy?

My roon server is different to my innuos ip address. However my library is pointing to the innuos ip address.

Maybe your answer is on the Innuos website.

I’m using innuos as a standalone. My roon library has always pointed to the innuos ip address. My roon server ip address is different.

can you post the ip addresses (assuming they are both on your lan there’s no security problem to worry about)…plus a screenshot of audio devices…:pray:t3:

Zen ip is192.168.0.216
Roon server is (on about screen?)
Mac is
I have Kef LS60 which is showing in audio
Items missing are Zen
Chord Dave
Chord McScaler
Topping D10-connected to zen.

I also run Dave/Mscaler & neither appear in Audio settings or are roon ready (I use a windows 11 Roon server feeding via USB to a Lumin streamer which is roon ready and visible). All devices should be running on the same subnet i.e.

I’m not sure of the significance of localhost (127.0.01) address, I would normally expect the server to be in the same subnet ( and that might be the issue. I wouldn’t expect to see the server in the Audio settings. Also the innuous devices are not Roon ready (afaik) so there may be issues there.

For clarity it will be good to complete the support request form so everyone can see how system/network is configured :-

Thanks for the info.

This is not a sensible ip address for your Mac. This is an address that should be reserved for broadcast ip traffic.

Ip addresses in a class C network (with a netmask) should have a last number between 1 and 254.


Hi @Lee_Bolton1,

If you’re still encountering issues with device discovery, then please submit a basic overview of your network equipment, including how you’ve integrated RoonServer with any routers, mesh nodes, and switches.

RoonReady devices will require multicast to be enabled in any traffic-management capable devices like routers or managed switches.