Roon Remote iOS/Android Freeze with "Waiting for RoonServer" After Inactivity [Investigating]

Roon Server Machine

Antipodes DX3 Version4 Server/Streamer

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Motorola MG7700 router, highest speed port hard wired to modified Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch

Connected Audio Devices

USB cable from Server Streamer to Space-Tech Lab Super tube DAC

Number of Tracks in Library

2700 albums

Description of Issue

iPhone 14Pro and iPad mini freeze often. I have to restart Roon by restarting the Apple devices. It’s a real pain. Sometimes I don’t get through even one track before it freezes. I have read some of the threads but don’t see a resolution. I have loaded the latest Roon software as of 1/14/24. The issue persists. Help!

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