Roon remote on Windows 10 fails and crashes badly

Roon Core
Intel core i7 8th generation, 18 GB RAM
Music is stored on 3x 3TB USB 3.0 external HDD
Corei7 bgh positivo laptop model series c570
Intel HDgraphics on my laptop HD600, used as a remote.

Switch TPlink
Ethernet wire from provider to the switch end with ethernet to the Allo USBridge and server and laptop remote.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Allo USBridge

Description Of Issue
The laptop starts Roon remote and works for a while then all becomes grey and collapses and closes it down, and so on. The cellular phone works ok as remote with no problems at all.

I have tried 32 bit and 64 bit version of Roon.

Any help will do.

the problem was in one of my external discs failing , and dont kow why it makes missbehaves the server linux mint20 roonserver installed

Hi @wilfredo_sanchez,

Are you saying that since you replaced the failing drive this issue is resolved?

No .the problem still exists. When connecting the 3rdvUsb 3.0 usb disk the problem occurs on any usb and only use my my laptop as remote. do you have a version of roon remote to work on another of my laptops with linuxmint20 installed on it?the video driver is intel intel hd graphics 4000

Hi @wilfredo_sanchez,

I don’t understand the issue you are having, are you saying when you connect the hard drive to your PC Roon quits? And that this PC runs in a Linux Mint 20 VM? Roon does not have an interface on Linux, just RoonServer unless you are using 3-rd party packages like WINE.

This might help: