Roon Rock Disk Renaming and BackUp

I have an i7 Rock with two external (USB) HDD drives. The Rock is now headless except through the network access. How can I rename my drives? Linux or Roon attached dozens of characters to my simple MusicDrive and T4BU names, making it difficult if one has to manually mount said drives.

Related question: has anyone been able to back up TO a TimeMachine device the network-mounted shares described above? From what I’ve picked up, the drive must be AFP-mounted for TimeMachine/Mac to recognize it. But, when I tried to do just that, Rock refused to cooperate.

Related question 2: if not TimeMachine as a backup app, whats working for you (on a Rock external TO a backup NAS or such using Mac OS)?

Semi-related question3: can any other apps be loaded on to a Rock? Thinking of Bliss as a background monitor/fixer of files. I think I read the answer is “no” but I can’t find the source now.

I apologize if this/these have been answered elsewhere. John

Roon does not recognize AFP.

No. If you want other applications, then do not use the ROCK OS, use Windows, Mac or Linux.

I have a rsync thing that backs up the share.

Hi Danny, could you maybe write a short instuction how to do this?

I’m not sure there is anything special. I use another computer to rsync it elsewhere. It’s just copying the files that changed periodically.

How can I rename my drives? Linux or Roon attached dozens of characters to my simple MusicDrive and T4BU names, making it difficult if one has to manually mount said drives.

@John_V I have a similar problem with the naming of my drive on Rock. Did you get your question answered somewhere else about the renaming? I’m running my source PC on Windows 10 and I’m getting problems from time to time moving data to my Rock drives due to too long file names.

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Thanks a lot!