Roon server in MULTIPLE locations setup [feature request]

Well yes local play info is not (afaik) a 2 way thing with the streaming services.

Sorry, but I do not understand the discussion. Take a core and install a VPN server in the same network, through which you can log in to the core from the outside. The VPN server is probably already available in your router. That’s why VPNs were invented, to be able to navigate in different places like in a local network. - By the way, you can also connect several local networks to one VPN.

  1. VPN config for Roon is not easy, as every Roon device must be on the same subnet.
  2. There are plenty of VPN insecurity issues reported, the last thing I need is security worries when I’m trying to just enjoy music.

An interesting view! My experience with a router type Synology RT2600ac:

  • Setting up a VPN service is very simple.
  • To set up a site-to-site VPN, you need a license and, for example, two Synology RT2600ac routers.
  • Roon does not know if a client is coming from the same LAN or a physically remote one.
  • VPN is secure. It depends only on the configuration and is, therefore, standard technology for cross-location working in business environments.
  • My experience from last vacation: great. Turn on the VPN and stream music from Roon over VPN to your local device.


I use Infuse subscription software for my film collection that sync’s your library database, preferences, even where you left off watching a movie across tvOS, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS. You can even upload your entire collection to the cloud or download individual movies for offline viewing to your devices.

It cant be that difficult to understand that these are features that should be baked into the software, its great that you have work-arounds that you can set up but why is it so hard to see that users want this function built into Roon.

Would it not make that software more appealing and easier to use?
I am a very busy father and I don’t have time to investigate and set up your work-around.


Hey Roon, I thought Roon 2.0 might include lib syncing between multiple homes. Not really… why?

Hi! First of all I want to say that I am very pleased with the Roon experience, but there is one feature that I am really missing and that is a feature that allows for several Nucleus Servers to synchronize the libraries!

I currently own two Nucleus Servers in different locations and I now want to buy a third one for another apartment, but it does not seem to be possible to synchronize the libraries…

It should be possible to add a feature where you could upload a directory from your Nucleus servere to my user account at Roons server, and then synchronize with other cores that are linked to my account.

Such a feature would be very much appreciated.

Best regards Stig

現在、自宅とオフィスにそれぞれに RoonCore(intel nuc)を置いています。1個のアカウントで使用していますが、自宅で再生した再生履歴やタグが、オフィスのRoonと同期されていません。


I currently have a RoonCore (intel nuc) at home and at the office, each with one account, but the playback history and tags played at home are not synchronised with Roon at the office.

It would be nice if they were synchronised, but is there any way to synchronise them?
Please let me know.

I currently have a RoonCore (intel nuc) at home and at the office, each with one account, but the play history and tags played at home are not synced to Roon at the office.

I would like it to be synchronized, but is there any way to do so?
Please let me know.

@ansin_plaza, I have moved your post to Feature Suggestions. Be sure to vote!

@ansin_plaza さん、あなたの投稿を機能提案に移動しました。必ず投票してください!

As I’m doing a lot more work adding additional information and tailoring one instance, this is becoming more cumbersome to keep 2 libraries in synch…

I used to use Qobuz for library management instead of Roon but as I have started to switch to DSD rips of my SACD collection, the lack of Roon’s ability to easily transfer all the customizations I make in 1 library to that on another Roon installation is becoming a pain.

Yes! In my case, it’s the fact that many recent albums are not automatically identified, and manual identifications are segregated to one Roon server.

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I was requesting this feature multiple times to no avail. The audio could be synced by other means, we need a library sync in real time between two or three nucleus servers. This should not be a backup and restrore and local configuration like endpoints should not be synced, only playlist, tags, imports, etc., i.e. the music database.

There are two ways for the sync, either the servers are reachable via site 2 site VPN (i.e. appear on local network) or (more complex) via a cloud account for those that don’t have or aren’t able to run a VPN service between their sites.

This will require of course an active subscription per site.

Dear roon Team and @danny

is there any update on this? Thanks a lot!