Roon/ RoonServer 2.0 (build 1462) will not update. I am using Build 1445. The update to 1462 is downloaded and the update appears to proceed normally, but then Roon says there is a new update to install - when I install it, I get the same new update message repeatedly. Running Roon on a Mac with Sequoia OS.
It looks like the ROCK hosting RoonServer has successfully updated, and only the Mac hosting Roon requires the update. First, make sure that Roon has local network access in System Settings → Privacy & Security → Local Network.
If that doesn’t help, then also on the Mac, try this:
I completed all the steps except that when I try to restore the backup, it gets to 6-7% and then says “Restore Failed.” I tried with two most recent prior backups and got the same message. That said, it looks like my entire library is available and I’m not sure that I am missing anything. The new Roon version on the Mac is build 1462, so it seems to have updated.
Hi @kschacter,
I activated diagnostics on your account and found the logs from the failed backup restoration.
09/24 00:26:15 Error: [backup] failed to restore: getfile by hash, dirs: AttachedDir:/roon/sys/storage/mounts/Sandisk_USB_USB_SanDisk_3_2Gen1_040143a0877456748c6ca6e1962e5380e5ce391f322d224e7fef7a8b1fe52171ecfa00000000000000000000545583f6ff87af18915581073eaf1572_647E-8C7C-p1/Roon Backups/RoonBackups/d8b43f3e-c9ee-25a8-bdd8-41855a778e8b/70/fe, file hash: 70fe8ea09049dc62976ac18b311080f4d39c2fab05ce7db98bb1be78808d7414, status: Result[Status=UnexpectedError, ErrorText=System.IO.IOException: Input/output error : '/roon/sys/storage/mounts/Sandisk_USB_USB_SanDisk_3_2Gen1_040143a0877456748c6ca6e1962e5380e5ce391f322d224e7fef7a8b1fe52171ecfa00000000000000000000545583f6ff87af18915581073eaf1572_647E-8C7C-p1/Roon Backups/RoonBackups/d8b43f3e-c9ee-25a8-bdd8-41855a778e8b/70/fe/70fe8ea09049dc62976ac18b311080f4d39c2fab05ce7db98bb1be78808d7414'
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.Stream.CopyTo(Stream destination, Int32 bufferSize)
at Roon.FileSystem.AttachedFileSystem.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<GetFile>b__0()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Roon.FileSystem.AttachedFileSystem.GetFile(IFileSystemDir parent_, String name, Stream outstream, CancellationToken canceltoken)]
09/24 00:26:15 Warn: [broker/backups] restore first half failed on FileBrowser.Entry: Sandisk USB, USB SanDisk 3.2Gen1 : /Roon Backups/RoonBackups: NotAvailable
09/24 00:26:15 Debug: [broker/backups] on done, auto: False, result: Result[Status=NotAvailable]
09/24 00:26:17 Trace: [broker/backups] not running, no need to cancel
It looks like Roon is having trouble seeing the location where these backups are stored. Are you able to see the backups if you look at the USB in Finder?
Since you can see it in Finder it seems likely that that connection with the SanDisk got interrupted. I know you said you don’t know exactly where the SanDisk is physically located but if you’re willing to look for it could you try physically connecting it to the Mac? Also I wanted to clarify whether you want to use the Mac as a server in addition to your ROCK or if you want to use the Mac as a remote for your server.
I will try to locate the Sandisk (!!) but it will be a few days as I am going out of town. I am using the Mac solely as a remote for the ROCK so I’m not sure if it makes sense to connect the Sandisk to the Mac