Roon Server not running on PC

Hi - I got an error message yesterday when I tried to run Roon - - “Your Roon server doesn’t seem to be working”. I followed all of the recommended steps in the help to try to resolve – clicking on “start roon software”, turning off firewalls, rebooting (several times). But it has not solved it and I’m not able to use Roon at all! I run it on a Windows system, a NUC8i7HVK. I’ve been using it for several years and have never had this issue.

Moved from Uncategorized to Support. It would help if you could provide details about your Roon setup so that the support team has something to work with

Still waiting for a reply and without use of Roon and still paying for it, would appreciate what steps I can take here – let me know if this isn’t the way to seek support, but that seems to be what was recommended. In terms of my setup, I’m not sure what would be useful, but Roon server is installed on a Windows system as I indicated. I have Roon-ready endpoints via ethernet that I use to play it.

Hey @Carl_Nelson,

Thanks for writing in, and I’m sorry to hear you’re having issue getting Roon Server up and running.

Have you tried manually installing the update from the download section on our website? If not, I would test that first:

If you’re still having issues, it would be good to review a fresh set of Roon Server and Roon remote logs. Please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?


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