Roon Settings - Streaming Service Preference disabled

Running the latest version of Roon in both Core and Remotes

Roon Settings - Streaming Service Preference seems to be disabled:

My Settings - General:

From the Knowledge Base:

Confirmed: I see the same, too.

@Martin_Webster I thought you only have Qobuz? Then there is nothing to prefer. Though arguably the whole option makes no sense to be displayed in this case.

I have Qobuz and Tidal and both options are there (but I am on Build 1321 EarlyAccess)

Yes, you are correct. Most likely, the last time I looked, I had both services, and seeing the text, I assume something was missing–ideally, the option text shouldn’t be visible if there’s only one service.

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@Dirk_De_Taey do you have both Tidal and Qobuz?

No, only Qobuz.

If this is only applicable when you have both, the Knowledge Base should be corrected.

It does say this:

and to me it seems obvious that you can choose a streaming service preference only if you have more than one streaming service.

I see now that there is a section STREAMING CONTENT PREFERENCES with three options of which some still apply if you have only one service:

  • Streaming service preference is only shown if you have more than one service. I.e., shown for me but not for @Dirk_De_Taey or @Martin_Webster
  • Prefer edited versions (“Clean”). Applies when you have only one service, so is shown for Dirk
  • MQA content. Applies when you have only one service (even Qobuz, I suppose, because they have some MQA releases), so is shown for Dirk

Seems to me that this is all OK

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