Here’s what would help me the most with this:
A brief but accurate description of your system as show here. In particular, exactly what Sonos hardware are you using?
What track is causing the problem? Can you upload it somewhere I can get it? If you don’t have a convenient place to upload files I can PM you instructions for something.
Can you try using some DSP in Roon to change the stream sent to the Sonos slightly and see if it still crashes? The goal here is just to make any change at all to the audio stream and see if the Sonos can handle it, so just enabling DSP and the Headroom Management feature might be enough, or turning volume leveling to the opposite of whatever your current setting is. Changing a sample rate conversion setting would be even better, set Sample Rate Conversion to Custom and set the sample rate of the track that crashes to convert to something different from what was being sent before.
Do you observe any sort of pattern in when they crash?
What Sonos hardware do you have exactly?