Roon stops playing after several minutes

Roon Core Machine

INTEL BXNUC i7FNHJA2, i7, 16GB RAM, ROON ROCK actual version

Networking Gear & Setup Details

FRITZ BOX 7590, SILENT ANGEL BONN, Ethernet cables CAT7

Connected Audio Devices


Number of Tracks in Library

Around 15.000 files, TIDAL Account

Description of Issue

Roon stops playing after several minutes when listening via library or listening via TIDAL
There is nor error message. I can restart the playing some seconds later.

The error occurs on all streaming devices.

Will it be helpful to copy a part of the actual log files in this ticket?

08/08 14:51:29 Trace: [songcastdirect] [Linn Klimax Renew DS] Transition AwaitingConnection => Connected
08/08 14:51:29 Info: [songcastdirect] [Linn Klimax Renew DS] [client:] OnRead(off=0, count=15)
08/08 14:51:29 Info: [zone Klimax DS/1 (Renew) Wohnzimmer] OnPlayFeedback Playing
08/08 14:51:29 Trace: [Klimax DS/1 (Renew) Wohnzimmer] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [PLAYING @ 2:31/3:06] Clessidra - Musica Nuda
08/08 14:51:29 Trace: [musicpowerstate] music is playing, preventing idle sleep
08/08 14:51:29 Info: buffering media is lossless Flac => True
08/08 14:51:29 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 151/186 sec
08/08 14:51:29 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2  Quality=Lossless
    Output OutputType=SongcastDirect Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Linn Klimax Renew DS
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5 download status: EndOfFileReached accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,False,1)
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/A9D89BF5 rid:2 request ended -- first block: 435 blocks read: 92 download speed: 38233kbps response time: 172ms
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: [easyhttp] [303] GET to returned after 509 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 0 B
08/08 14:51:29 Trace: [tidal/http] GET => Success
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: [easyhttp] [304] GET to returned after 366 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 0 B
08/08 14:51:29 Trace: [tidal/http] GET => Success
08/08 14:51:29 Info: [ERROR_GETTING_TAG] [zoneplayer] Queueing:
08/08 14:51:29 Info: FTMSI-B new FileCache ti/8DB6B743
>>> /roon/data/RoonServer/Cache/smc.db/bfc/2.cache
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B Cache open file ti/8DB6B743 domain: zoneplayer:1 ordinal:2
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743 download status: DownloadNotStarted accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:no
08/08 14:51:29 Info: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5: allocated bw changed from 51200 to 0 kbps
08/08 14:51:29 Info: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743: allocated bw changed from 0 to 51200 kbps
08/08 14:51:29 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/A9D89BF5 dwStatus:EndOfFileReached files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:1':1) --> bw limit:0kbps
08/08 14:51:29 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/8DB6B743 dwStatus:DownloadNotStarted files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:1':2) --> bw limit:51200kbps
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/8DB6B743 created new req 1 for block 0 p 4294967295; active requests 1
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: [easyhttp] [305] GET to returned after 59 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 0 B
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B got length for ti/8DB6B743; 22.6 MBytes
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743 download status: FileLengthRetrieved accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(DownloadNotStarted,False,1)
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE set min bandwidth for ti/8DB6B743 to 660 kbps
08/08 14:51:29 Info: FTMSI-B-OE ti/8DB6B743 rid:1 response took 59ms
08/08 14:51:29 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743 download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(FileLengthRetrieved,False,1)
08/08 14:51:30 Info: [ERROR_GETTING_TAG] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
08/08 14:51:31 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743 download status: FirstBlockRetrieved accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,False,1)
08/08 14:51:31 Info: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5: allocated bw changed from 0 to 3200 kbps
08/08 14:51:31 Info: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743: allocated bw changed from 51200 to 48000 kbps
08/08 14:51:31 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/A9D89BF5 dwStatus:EndOfFileReached files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:1':1) --> bw limit:3200kbps
08/08 14:51:31 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/8DB6B743 dwStatus:FirstBlockRetrieved files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:1':2) --> bw limit:48000kbps
08/08 14:51:32 Info: [stats] 27227mb Virtual, 2329mb Physical, 1479mb Managed, 326 Handles, 95 Threads
08/08 14:51:32 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/8DB6B743 exit thread signalled
08/08 14:51:32 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743 download status: AllBlocksDownloaded accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(FirstBlockRetrieved,True,1)
08/08 14:51:32 Info: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5: allocated bw changed from 3200 to 51200 kbps
08/08 14:51:32 Info: FTMSI-B ti/8DB6B743: allocated bw changed from 48000 to 0 kbps
08/08 14:51:32 Info: FTMSI-B 1 FileCache ti/A9D89BF5 dwStatus:EndOfFileReached files:1 accessTimeOut:False priorities: ('zoneplayer:1':1) --> bw limit:51200kbps
08/08 14:51:32 Info: FTMSI-B 2 FileCache ti/8DB6B743 dwStatus:AllBlocksDownloaded files:1 accessTimeOut:True priorities: ('zoneplayer:1':2) --> bw limit:0kbps
08/08 14:51:32 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/8DB6B743 rid:1 interrupt requested; reason: exit
08/08 14:51:32 Debug: FTMSI-B-OE ti/8DB6B743 rid:1 request ended -- first block: 0 blocks read: 722 download speed: 67506kbps response time: 59ms
08/08 14:51:34 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5 download status: EndOfFileReached accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(EndOfFileReached,False,1)
08/08 14:51:34 Trace: [Klimax DS/1 (Renew) Wohnzimmer] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:35/3:06] Clessidra - Musica Nuda
08/08 14:51:34 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5 download status: EndOfFileReached accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(EndOfFileReached,True,1)
08/08 14:51:35 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5 download status: EndOfFileReached accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(EndOfFileReached,False,1)
08/08 14:51:35 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5 download status: EndOfFileReached accessTimeout:False openFiles:1 prev:(EndOfFileReached,True,1)
08/08 14:51:36 Debug: FTMSI-B ti/A9D89BF5 download status: EndOfFileReached accessTimeout:True openFiles:1 prev:(EndOfFileReached,False,1)
08/08 14:51:38 Debug: [easyhttp] [307] POST to returned after 206 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 5 KB
08/08 14:51:38 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
08/08 14:51:38 Trace: [prebuffer] short read: 0 / 8820 fill=433503

Anothers log from today with another streaming client. This one is connected via wifi. Wifi connection is excellent.

08/09 10:24:39 Trace: [prebuffer] short read: 0 / 8820 fill=439236
08/09 10:24:40 Trace: [Tinas Escape P6] [Enhanced, 16/44 FLAC => 16/44] [99% buf] [PLAYING @ 4:28/4:43] Morphine and Chocolate - 4 Non Blondes
08/09 10:24:44 Info: [stats] 27342mb Virtual, 1016mb Physical, 499mb Managed, 338 Handles, 96 Threads
08/09 10:24:45 Trace: [Tinas Escape P6] [Enhanced, 16/44 FLAC => 16/44] [51% buf] [PLAYING @ 4:33/4:43] Morphine and Chocolate - 4 Non Blondes
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:14158,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:21600,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:22200,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:22200,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:22200,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:22200,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:22200,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:21600,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“samples”:22200,“status”:“Dropout”}
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] GOT [35] {“status”:“Ended”}
08/09 10:24:46 Warn: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [raat] [Escape bv P6Air () @] => Disconnected
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [raat] [Escape bv P6Air () @] lost client connection. Retrying
08/09 10:24:46 Warn: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream
08/09 10:24:46 Warn: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer → stream] All streams were disposed
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer → stream → endpoint] All streams were disposed
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Tinas Escape P6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Escape P6Air () State Changed: Playing => Prepared
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [Escape bv P6Air () @] [raatclient] SENT [1257]{“request”:“end_stream”}
08/09 10:24:46 Warn: [raat_ll/client] [Escape bv P6Air () @] error writing to connection: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Sooloos.Audio.Raat.Client._BeginWrite()
08/09 10:24:46 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [raat] [Escape bv P6Air () @] connecting (attempt 1)
08/09 10:24:46 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] send failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
08/09 10:24:46 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting + retrying
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Tinas Escape P6 was playing? True
08/09 10:24:46 Trace: [zone Tinas Escape P6] Suspend
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [library] recorded play for profile dff2a338-ea1e-4bb9-9bc1-437e8a2bad02: mediaid=50:1:05b12d7f-74d4-4775-830a-1711d634d2de metadataid=97:0:1852260090 contentid= libraryid=50:1:05b12d7f-74d4-4775-830a-1711d634d2de isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
08/09 10:24:46 Info:
–[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Enhanced
Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=925 Quality=Lossless
Raat Device=Escape P6Air ()
SampleRateConversion FromSampleRate=44100 ToSampleRate=48000 Algorithm=Other Quality=Enhanced
DSP Subtype=escape_eq PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=
Amplifier Method=escape Quality=Lossless
Output OutputType=Local_Speakers Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=

08/09 10:24:46 Info: [zone Tinas Escape P6] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [zone Tinas Escape P6] Canceling Pending Sleep
08/09 10:24:46 Info: [zone Tinas Escape P6] Canceling Pending Sleep

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