Please post the version of Roon you’re using, which operating system and how exactly you’re adding music to Roon? Which file formats? Does the process ever get beyond 0 of 162 etc?
My library mostly consist of Flac files with a few Alac and mp3 files.
I’ve had Roon for many years and I add music by putting files in the watched folder.
I recently moved my core because the previous computer died and after I rebuilt it this started happening. If I want to add files I have to restart the server. It scans but then gets stuck again.
Please let me know I can provide any other info.
Since you have had to rebuild your computer (sorry to hear that), have you changed Roon’s Settings > Storage > Folders to reflect the new location of your watched folder?
Has the process ever got beyond 0 of 162 etc?
Which version of Roon are you using?
What happens when you start with, say, no more than ten FLAC files in your watched folder?
Where in your hierarchy is that folder; and what are its permissions?
Yes, it’s pointed at the right folder and successfully added everything in my library except any new files since the last restart.
Yes, it has successfully added files upon restart but won’t do it again until I restart the server.
it’s the most up to date version on the website downloads.
I can’t move stuff out of my existing watched folder on my NAS. It’s like 24 TB. Should I create a new watched folder and try to add?
the permissions are fine on the NAS folder where my library is. This setup worked for many years before the new server and works when I restart the server. It just gets stuck after finding the new music upon restart.
I am going to take a flier here and say that your Roon Server computer is woefully inadequate, especially if you still are using a 2014 Mac mini. You have 20,000+ albums, 350,000+ tracks. And by the looks of it, much of it Unidentified to Roon — and unidentifiable because they are concert bootlegs. That is a bad fit for Roon and may not ever run well, but requires a fast CPU and a lot of RAM if it is to run at all.
You may be right. I’m going to give it a try and see if it works. Everything so far has worked ok until this issue. I’ll get a new computer if necessary but wanted to try this out first.
I want to make sure I’m doing what you suggest correctly. I should get a new watched folder and turn off my existing folder? Then add something to new folder and see what happens?
I was hoping someone from Roon could look at my logs to see if there was something obvious.
I know better hardware would help but it’s also possible something is getting hung up on a corrupted file and I’d like to figure out how to find that.
Thanks for writing in and sharing your report. @Mark_Sealey and @WiWavelength definitely make valid points so far! Good to keep in mind while you test things out.
Better to try and fail than to not try at all!
This is precisely what we were able to do! From a fresh diagnostic report on the older Mac running Roon Server (it does look like you have two macs running Roon Server actively, which could confuse some other devices within your Roon ecosystem - I’d make sure you only have one server running at a time for simplicity while we troubleshoot) we’re seeing failures in analysis around some tracks that I’d guess weren’t ever formally released, and therefore aren’t able to be properly identified with Roon. Here’s an example:
Track Grateful Dead - 1973-03-21 Utica Memorial Auditorium - Utica, NY [AUD] - Casey Jones was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
Are you still having issues with 162 tracks specifically? I would investigate additional Grateful Dead tracks and see if others may account for the larger overall number based on your above screenshot.
Benjamin, Thanks for the reply. How did you know I have to running? I didn’t know. I have another Mac client but didn’t know there was another server running on my network. How can I find it and shut it off?
Not that anything which Benjamin says needs any endorsement, may I encourage you to follow those directions, please?
I had a similar phenomenon several months ago, which I was (wrongly) convinced was a bug; it categorically turned out to be a corrupt file - as they told me it was
Even then I could not see how that was possible - because it had been downloaded from a reputable source.
Sure enough, when I re-downloaded and re-tagged the file which was so identified in my logs, the replacement stopped the apparent stall and I haven’t looked back.
I am sure that because Roon Technical says that you have that you’re up against a comparable ‘faulty’ file, that will turn out to be what you need to fix. Good luck on that!
I fixed it. I dug through the logs and could not find anything wrong so I turned off the music folder, restarted the server, and added it and it completed the scan and the spinning wheel went away. And it rescanned 4 hours later with no problem.
I’m gonna close the ticket, but I want to know how I can find that I have two servers running at once.