Roon TUI: A Roon Remote for the terminal (v0.3.2)

Hi Jan

I am running 0.3.0 on a Debian install on an old laptop. Works fine although Putty does not send over keyboard commands like Ctrl-Ri/Le. There is a small bug (in my installation anyway) in that “Play Album” is counted as a track so an album with, say, 7 tracks is displayed as having 8 tracks.

Could this be better run in Windows Subsystem for Linux? Or whatever it’s called?

Check your file permissions?

Anything in the home directory. The config file is created, but the zoneinfo is missing. Reproducible on several linux systems (Fedora, Debian, Dietpi).

  "roonstate": {
    "paired_core_id": "b8039991-90e5-450e-aa5d-f8827ea01ac4",
    "tokens": {
      "56a92e09-ee61-4c11-af9a-d9933829964c": "56d681ad-95ed-4df8-a1af-1343e8e88da9",
      "b8039991-90e5-450e-aa5d-f8827ea01ac4": "7e98b5fe-a2d2-44ef-a6c6-ecba0d260c80"

Thanks! Sorry for the late response! Just back from a trip abroad.
I’m trying to get away from Windows so WSL is no go for me!

@Jan_Koudijs I don’t see it anywhere in the thread, so I thought I’d bring it up here… roon_tui works great on a Chromebook using the crostini Linux extensions.

Thanks for doing this - the roon remote on Chromebooks is seriously flawed - this gets around the problem.

Hi Jan, just some feedback:
b) Works out of the box on RHEL 9.4

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Just checked this on RHEL 9.4.

  • Regarding control-key shortcuts:

    Checked with Thinlinc (Remote Desktop) and MobaXterm:

    • MobaXterm has many application shortcuts, for example control-H is defined in the application, as is control-space, etc. This means these don’t work in RTUI (or any application running in Linux).
    • Thinlinc: as a true remote X11 Desktop, it does not interfere with keyboard shortcuts. Control-whatever is passed on to Linux, and work fine in whatever is running (also in RTUI).
      Solution for MobaXterm and I assume PuTTY: disable the various keyboard shortcuts in your terminal emulator.
  • When re-starting Roon TUI I have to select the zone (Ctrl-Z), after which everything in that Zone is in the same state I left it in before quitting RTUI (playlist, volume, track and track position.) I have nothing to compare this to, but I find this behaviour logical and just fine.

In Roon you get back where you left off, that was the behaviour in previous versions of roon-tui.

There was a bug specific to saving settings to a newly created config file. I just released Version 0.3.1 to solve this.

Thanks for reporting!

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Hi Jan,
works again as expected. :smiley:

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Hi @Jan_Koudijs
Thanks for the great project it works flawlessly.
Out of curiosity, would you be intererested in developing a Cosmic applet for Roon?
Cosmic is a new multiplatform GUI framework and desktop environment for Linux in pure Rust developed by System76 for use in their Pop!_OS distribution (albeit not tied to it, you can use Cosmic on any distro you want)
Here’s an example repo with all of the applets that were already developed:

Hi @Yethal,

Glad you like the project.

I had not heard of Cosmic before, so took a quick look. I have no plans to create such an applet, mainly because I’m not using it myself :slight_smile: and because an applet for a specific Linux desktop environment will be beneficial to a small part of the Roon Community, also because Cosmic is still in Alpha.

But now that you mentioned GUIs, let me put up a teaser of what I have been up to in the last few months.

I named it Community Remote. It is combining my Rust Roon API with Flutter. Flutter enables multi platform development from a single code base. The project repository is private at the moment but the plan is to open it up pretty soon.


Pretty cool Jan.
I imagine you will have some happy Linux users for this app.

Oh yeah, please!

For all Roon TUI users on Linux, this might be of interest to you:

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Hi Jan, LUbuntu is not present on should I get Ubuntu ?


I cannot really advice here, but I did find this:

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It is still in alpha but it wouldn’t be restricted to just the Cosmic environment. Libcosmic apps can run on any Linux distro as well as Windows and Mac. Additionally you’d be able to write the entire app in a single language instead of navigating between Rust and Dart

Just as an aside, yes the latest and greatest Fedora now seems to have Cosmic, but anyone on RHEL or CentOS or any kind of non-bleeding edge desktop enviroment will never or at best in years in the future get access to this new stuff that is squarely aimed at the desktop.

Roon TUI works on: my SERVER. I love it. I spend all day on the command line and this is the bee’s knees.